Construction and analysis of a modular model of caspase activation in apoptosis
Ghosh Samik, Tung, Tung Kc, Ho, Harrington
Targeting HTLV-I latency in Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma
Toomey Ngoc, Diaz Luis, Ruiz Phillip, Barber Glen, Harrington William, Harrington, Ramos
Effects of inbreeding and genetic modification on Aedes aegyptilarval competition and adult energy reserves
Koenraadt, Kormaksson Matthias, Harrington
Cerebrospinal fluid sodium rhythms
Salomon, Pogoda, Oborina Elena, Okey Neil, Johnson Benjamin, Schmidt Dennis, Fonteh, Dalleska, Harrington
Ovine progressive pneumonia provirus levels are unaffected by the prion 171Rallele in an Idaho sheep flock
Herrmann-Hoesing, O'Rourke, Knowles, White, Harrington
Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 is upregulated in sera and tumors of ovarian cancer patients
Jemmerson Ronald, Geller, Misemer Benjamin, Weivoda Starchild, Witthuhn, Argenta Peter, Vogel Rachel, Skubitz, Andersen, Harrington, Boylan
The morphology and biochemistry of nanostructures provide evidence for synthesis and signaling functions in human cerebrospinal fluid
Fonteh, Oborina Elena, Liao Patricia, Chavez, Rush John, Biringer, Hühmer, Harrington, Gordon Mccomb, Cowan
Cross-Sectional analysis of levels and patterns of objectively measured sedentary time in adolescent females
Dowd, Bourke, Donnelly, Harrington