Mechanical ventilation with high tidal volumes attenuates myocardial dysfunction by decreasing cardiac edema in a rat model of LPS-induced peritonitis
Van, Smeding Lonneke, Plötz, Lamberts, Kneyber, Groeneveld, Groeneveld Ab
Steroidogenesis in the adrenal dysfunction of critical illness: impact of etomidate
Molenaar Nienke, Bijkerk, Beishuizen Albertus, Hempen, Vermes Istvan, Girbes, Groeneveld, De, Van
Procalcitonin reflects bacteremia and bacterial load in urosepsis syndrome: a prospective observational study
Bonten, Van'T, Kuijper, Groeneveld, Becker, Koster Ted, Wattel-Louis G, Delfos, Ablij, Leyten, Van
Infections of respiratory or abdominal origin in ICU patients: what are the differences?
Groeneveld, Vincent, Spies Claudia, Volakli Elena, Michalopoulos Argyris, Sakr Yasser, Jean-Louis Vincent
Predicting a low cortisol response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the critically ill: a retrospective cohort study
Beishuizen Albertus, Spijkstra Jan-Jaap, Girbes, Twisk, Groeneveld, De, Van
Cardiac filling volumes versus pressures for predicting fluid responsiveness after cardiovascular surgery: the role of systolic cardiac function
Trof, Danad Ibrahim, Reilingh, Breukers, Groeneveld
Renal hypoperfusion and impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in an animal model of VILI: the role of the peroxynitrite-PARP pathway
Vaschetto Rosanna, Kuiper, Musters, Eringa, Della, Murthy Kanneganti, Groeneveld, Plötz
Factors associated with non-participation and drop-out in a lifestyle intervention for workers with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease
Groeneveld, Proper, Hildebrandt, Van
Blood transfusion during cardiac surgery is associated with inflammation and coagulation in the lung: a case control study
Tuinman, Vlaar, Cornet, Hofstra, Levi Marcel, Meijers, Beishuizen Albertus, Groeneveld, Juffermans, Schultz
Herpes simplex virus type 1 and normal protein permeability in the lungs of critically ill patients: a case for low pathogenicity?
Verheij Joanne, Groeneveld, Beishuizen Albertus, Lingen, Simoons-Smit, Van