Challenges and strategies of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease: a qualitative examination
Otley Anthony, Avolio Julie, Munk Marla, Nicholas, Griffiths, Smith Claire
Ex-vivoHRMAS of adult brain tumours: metabolite quantification and assignment of tumour biomarkers
Fellows, Griffiths, Howe, Wright, Bellb, Wilsonm
Sp1 acetylation is associated with loss of DNA binding at promoters associated with cell cycle arrest and cell death in a colon cell line
Waby, Chirakkal Haridasan, Yu Chenwei, Griffiths, Benson, Bingle, Corfe
C:N:P stoichiometry and nutrient limitation of the soil microbial biomass in a grazed grassland site under experimental P limitation or excess
Griffiths, Spilles Annette, Bonkowski, Bonkowski Michael
Emergency room visits for respiratory conditions in children increased after Guagua Pichincha volcanic eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study: Time Series Analysis
Naumova, Yepes Hugo, Griffiths, Sempértegui Fernando, Khurana Gauri, Jagai, Játiva Edgar, Estrella Bertha, Estrella
Emergency room visits for respiratory conditions in children increased after Guagua Pichincha volcanic eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study: Time Series Analysis
Naumova, Yepes Hugo, Griffiths, Sempértegui Fernando, Khurana Gauri, Jagai, Játiva Edgar, Estrella Bertha, Estrella
11 pages
Intensive care diaries reduce new onset post traumatic stress disorder following critical illness: a randomised, controlled trial
Bäckman Carl, Capuzzo Maurizia, Egerod Ingrid, Flaatten Hans, Granja Cristina, Rylander Christian, Griffiths, Jones Christina, The
Intensive care diaries reduce new onset post traumatic stress disorder following critical illness: a randomised, controlled trial
Bäckman Carl, Capuzzo Maurizia, Egerod Ingrid, Flaatten Hans, Granja Cristina, Rylander Christian, Griffiths, Jones Christina, The
10 pages
Using Chinese Version of MYMOP in Chinese Medicine Evaluation: Validity, Responsiveness and Minimally Important Change
Chung, Wong, Lau Chun, Hui Henny, Lam Tat, Zhong Lin, Griffiths
Effective transvascular delivery of nanoparticles across the blood-brain tumor barrier into malignant glioma cells
Sarin Hemant, Kanevsky, Wu Haitao, Brimacombe, Fung, Auh Sungyoung, Sharma Kamal, Aronova, Leapman, Griffiths, Wilson, Hall, Sousa
The economic burden of inpatient paediatric care in Kenya: household and provider costs for treatment of pneumonia, malaria and meningitis
Ayieko Philip, Akumu, Griffiths, English, English Mike
Effects of salbutamol on exhaled breath condensate biomarkers in acute lung injury: prospective analysis
Roca Oriol, Gómez-Ollés Susana, Cruz Maria-Jesús, Muñoz Xavier, Griffiths, Masclans
Canadian children's and youth's pedometer-determined steps/day, parent-reported TV watching time, and overweight/obesity: The CANPLAY Surveillance Study
Tudor-Locke Catrine, Cameron Christine, Griffiths, Craig
Predictors of switching from beta-blockers to other anti-hypertensive drugs: a review of records of 19,177 Chinese patients seen in public primary care clinics in the New Territory East, Hong Kong
Wong, Jiang, Leeder Stephen, Griffiths, Wang
Translation and equivalence assessment for a Japanese version of the modified Parental Nurturance Scale: a comparative study
Mimura Chizu, Griffiths, Griffiths Peter
Associations between sport and screen-entertainment with mental health problems in 5-year-old children
Griffiths, Dowda Marsha, Dezateux Carol, Pate, Pate Russell
Struggles, strengths, and strategies: an ethnographic study exploring the experiences of adolescents living with an ostomy
Allan Theresa, Griffiths Anne, Nicholas, Swan, Gerstle, Griffiths
Withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids in people with COPD in primary care: a randomised controlled trial
Choudhury, Dawson, Kilvington, Eldridge Sandra, James Wai-Yee, Wedzicha, Griffiths, Feder
A Shigella boydiibacteriophage which resembles Salmonellaphage ViI
Anany Hany, Lingohr, Villegas Andre, Ackermann Hans-Wolfgang, She Yi-Min, Griffiths, Kropinski
Is satisfaction a direct predictor of nursing turnover? Modelling the relationship between satisfaction, expressed intention and behaviour in a longitudinal cohort study
Murrells Trevor, Robinson Sarah, Griffiths, Griffiths Peter
Cost-effectiveness analysis of rapid diagnostic test, microscopy and syndromic approach in the diagnosis of malaria in Nigeria: implications for scaling-up deployment of ACT
Uzochukwu, Obikeze, Onwujekwe, Onoka, Griffiths
Physiologic upper limit of pore size in the blood-tumor barrier of malignant solid tumors
Sarin Hemant, Kanevsky, Wu Haitao, Aronova, Griffiths, Leapman, Vo, Wilson, Sousa
Air pollution and anemia as risk factors for pneumonia in ecuadorian children: a retrospective cohort analysis
Sempértegui Fernando, Estrella Bertha, Narváez Ximena, Egas Juan, Woodin Mark, Durant, Naumova, Griffiths, Harris