Access to commercial destinations within the neighbourhood and walking among Australian older adults
Nathan Andrea, Pereira Gavin, Foster Sarah, Hooper Paula, Saarloos Dick, Giles-Corti, Giles-Corti Billie
Tracking of pedometer-determined physical activity in adults who relocate: results from RESIDE
Tudor-Locke Catrine, Giles-Corti Billie, Knuiman Matthew, Mccormack, Mccormack Gavin
The association between sidewalk length and walking for different purposes in established neighborhoods
Mccormack, Shiell Alan, Giles-Corti Billie, Begg Stephen, Veerman J, Geelhoed Elizabeth, Amarasinghe Anura, Emery, Emery Jc
Correlates of distances traveled to use recreational facilities for physical activity behaviors
Giles-Corti Billie, Pikora, Mccormack, Bulsara Max
A cross-sectional study of the individual, social, and built environmental correlates of pedometer-based physical activity among elementary school children
Mccormack, Giles-Corti Billie, Timperio Anna, Wood Georgina, Villanueva, Villanueva Karen
How many steps/day are enough? for adults
Tudor-Locke Catrine, Clemes, De, Giles-Corti Billie, Hatano Yoshiro, Inoue Shigeru, Matsudo, Mutrie Nanette, Oppert Jean-Michel, Schofield, Spence, Tully, Blair, Brown, Teixeira, Rowe, Craig, Schmidt
Neighbourhood physical activity environments and adiposity in children and mothers: a three-year longitudinal study
Timperio Anna, Jeffery, Crawford David, Roberts Rebecca, Giles-Corti Billie, Ball Kylie, Ball
On your bike! a cross-sectional study of the individual, social and environmental correlates of cycling to school
Trapp, Giles-Corti Billie, Bulsara Max, Timperio, Mccormack, Villaneuva, Christian