The life cycle of Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) congolense in the tsetse fly
Gibson, Peacock Lori, Cook Simon, Ferris Vanessa, Bailey Mick, Gibson Wendy
A novel alternatively spliced isoform of the mu-opioid receptor: functional antagonism
Gris Pavel, Gauthier Josee, Cheng Philip, Gris Denis, Laur Oskar, Pierson John, Wentworth Sean, Gibson, Nackley, Maixner William, Diatchenko Luda
Traumatic brain injury and the effects of diazepam, diltiazem, and MK-801 on GABA-A receptor subunit expression in rat hippocampus
Hamm, Meyer, Gibson
The impact of therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on intelligence quotients; results of the risk-stratified randomized central nervous system treatment trial MRC UKALL XI
Halsey Christina, Buck Georgina, Richards Sue, Vargha-Khadem Faraneh, Hill Frank, Gibson Brenda, Gibson
The impact of therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on intelligence quotients; results of the risk-stratified randomized central nervous system treatment trial MRC UKALL XI
Halsey Christina, Buck Georgina, Richards Sue, Vargha-Khadem Faraneh, Hill Frank, Gibson Brenda, Gibson
12 pages
Bacterial α2-macroglobulins: colonization factors acquired by horizontal gene transfer from the metazoan genome?
Budd Aidan, Blandin Stephanie, Levashina, Gibson
Relationship between body composition, inflammation and lung function in overweight and obese asthma
Pretto, Callister Robin, Scott, Wood, Morgan, Gibson, Garg
A randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled cross-over study to determine the gastrointestinal effects of consumption of arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides enriched bread in healthy volunteers
Gibson, Walton, Lu Congyi, Trogh Isabel, Arnaut Filip
Arsenal of plant cell wall degrading enzymes reflects host preference among plant pathogenic fungi
Waxman, Nenni, Bergstrom, Walker, Gibson, King
Cough reflex sensitivity improves with speech language pathology management of refractory chronic cough
Ryan, Vertigan, Bone Sarah, Gibson
Worry as a window into the lives of people who use injection drugs: a factor analysis approach
Exner Heidi, Stone Ryan, Lindquist Jennifer, Cowen Laura, Roth, Gibson
Structuring and extracting knowledge for the support of hypothesis generation in molecular biology
Roos Marco, Schuemie Martijn, Meij Edgar, Katrenko Sophia, Krommydas Konstantinos, Adriaans, Marshall, Gibson, Van
Proteomic analysis of plasma membrane and secretory vesicles from human neutrophils
Jethwaney Deepa, Leidal, Nauseef, De, Campbell, Gibson, Islam
A systematic review of clinical trials of pharmacological interventions for acute ischaemic stroke (1955-2008) that were completed, but not published in full
Brazzelli Miriam, Sandercock, Thomas, Gibson
1003 TIMI myocardial perfusion grade predicts infarct size, perimeter and border zone following STEMI
Appelbaum Evan, Harrigan, Kirtane, Clark Alicia, Manning, Gibson
Mixture modeling of transcript abundance classes in natural populations
Hsieh Wen-Ping, Passador-Gurgel Gisele, Gibson Greg, Gibson, Stone
Uptake and cytotoxicity of citrate-coated gold nanospheres: Comparative studies on human endothelial and epithelial cells
Freese Christian, Uboldi Chiara, Unger, Weksler, Couraud Pierre-Olivier, Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick C, Gibson, Romero
Neorickettsia risticiisurface-exposed proteins: proteomics identification, recognition by naturally-infected horses, and strain variations
Pastenkos Gabrielle, Moesta Susanne, Rikihisa, Rikihisa Yasuko, Gibson
Comparison of a low carbohydrate and low fat diet for weight maintenance in overweight or obese adults enrolled in a clinical weight management program
Lecheminant, Hall Sandra, Washburn Rik, Curry Chelsea, Stewart Elizabeth, Westman, Donnelly, Gibson, Sullivan, Vernon
Comparison of a low carbohydrate and low fat diet for weight maintenance in overweight or obese adults enrolled in a clinical weight management program
Lecheminant, Hall Sandra, Washburn Rik, Curry Chelsea, Stewart Elizabeth, Westman, Donnelly, Gibson, Sullivan, Vernon
9 pages
Chronic cough and laryngeal dysfunction improve with specific treatment of cough and paradoxical vocal fold movement
Ryan, Vertigan, Gibson
233 Evidence that post-contrast delayed enhancement identified by cardiovascular magnetic resonance is an arrhythmogenic substrate in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Adabag, Maron, Appelbaum Evan, Harrigan, Buros, Lesser, Hanna, Udelson, Manning, Gibson
2055 Clinical profile and significance of delayed enhancement in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Maron, Appelbaum Evan, Harrigan Caitlin, Buros Jacki, Hanna Connie, Lesser, Udelson, Manning, Gibson
2049 Improved detection of myocardial fibrosis using high-resolution, late gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Harrigan, Maron, Manning, Appelbaum, Appelbaum Evan, Peters, Gibson
2048 The hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype revisited with cardiovasculara magnetic resonance
Maron, Appelbaum Evan, Harrigan Caitlin, Buros Jacqueline, Lesser, Udelson, Manning, Gibson
2027 Accuracy and reproducibility of quantifying myocardial fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using delayed enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance thresholding techniques
Caitlin, Maron, Manning, Appelbaum, Appelbaum Evan, Peters, Gibson
Pro-inflammatory cytokines play a key role in the development of radiotherapy-induced gastrointestinal mucositis
Ong Zhi, Bowen, Stringer, Logan, Yeoh, Keefe, Gibson, Darby
The cost burden of oral, oral pharyngeal, and salivary gland cancers in three groups: commercial insurance, medicare, and medicaid
Jacobson, Eichmiller, Carls, Vogtmann Emily, Wang Shaohung, Murphy Barbara, Murphy, Gibson, Epstein
Intraclonal mating occurs during tsetse transmission of Trypanosoma brucei
Peacock Lori, Ferris Vanessa, Bailey Mick, Gibson Wendy, Gibson
Parenting and depressive symptoms among adolescents in four Caribbean societies
Lipps Garth, Lowe, Halliday Sharon, Morris Amrie, Clarke Nelson, Wilson, Gibson
Physical activity across the curriculum: year one process evaluation results
Dubose, Greene, Bailey, Ryan, Schmelzle, Washburn, Mayo, Donnelly, Smith, Williams, Sullivan, Gibson
Novel immune genes associated with excessive inflammatory and antiviral responses to rhinovirus in COPD
Tooze Melinda, Gunawardhana, Wark, Gibson, Hsu, Baines