Universal primers that amplify RNA from all three flavivirus subgroups
Maher-Sturgess, Forrester, Wayper, Gould, Gibbs, Hall, Barnard
The anti-tumor effect of Apo2L/TRAIL on patient pancreatic adenocarcinomas grown as xenografts in SCID mice
Pitoniak Rose, Gibbs, Cheng Jinrong, Hylander, Penetrante, Oktay Dilek, Repasky
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
14 pages
Large scale variation in Enterococcus faecalisillustrated by the genome analysis of strain OG1RF
Arias, Bourgogne Agathe, Garsin, Qin Xiang, Singh, Sillanpaa Jouko, Yerrapragada Shailaja, Ding Yan, Dugan-Rocha Shannon, Buhay Christian, Shen Hua, Chen Guan, Muzny Donna, Maadani Arash, Gioia Jason, Chen Lei, Shang Yue, Nallapareddy, Zhao Meng, Prakash, Chowdhury Shahreen, Jiang Huaiyang, Gibbs, Highlander, Weinstock, Murray, Fox, Williams Gabrielle
Large scale variation in Enterococcus faecalisillustrated by the genome analysis of strain OG1RF
Arias, Bourgogne Agathe, Garsin, Qin Xiang, Singh, Sillanpaa Jouko, Yerrapragada Shailaja, Ding Yan, Dugan-Rocha Shannon, Buhay Christian, Shen Hua, Chen Guan, Muzny Donna, Maadani Arash, Gioia Jason, Chen Lei, Shang Yue, Nallapareddy, Zhao Meng, Prakash, Chowdhury Shahreen, Jiang Huaiyang, Gibbs, Highlander, Weinstock, Murray, Fox, Williams Gabrielle
16 pages
The distribution of the anti-HIV drug, tenofovir (PMPA), into the brain, CSF and choroid plexuses
Anthonypillai Christy, Gibbs, Thomas
CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Recurrent, Metastatic, and Residual Hemangiopericytomas
Veeravagu Anand, Jiang Bowen, Patil, Lee Marco, Soltys, Gibbs, Chang
Characterizing linkage disequilibrium and evaluating imputation power of human genomic insertion-deletion polymorphisms
Gibbs, Yu Fuli, Yu, Lu, Wangyi
Genetic diversity in India and the inference of Eurasian population expansion
Xing Jinchuan, Watkins, Hu Ya, Huff, Sabo Aniko, Bamshad, Gibbs, Jorde, Yu Fuli, Yu, Muzny