Lectures of George Thompson, with a full report of the discussion between Mr. Thompson and Mr. Borthwick, the proslavery agent, held at the Royal Amphitheatre, Liverpool, Eng., and which continued for six evenings with unabated interest, comp. from various English edition. Also, a brief history of his connection with the anti-slavery cause in England
George Thompson, P. (Peter) Borthwick, William Lloyd Garrison
Lectures of George Thompson, with a full report of the discussion between Mr. Thompson and Mr. Borthwick, the proslavery agent, held at the Royal Amphitheatre, Liverpool, Eng., and which continued for six evenings with unabated interest, comp. from various English edition. Also, a brief history of his connection with the anti-slavery cause in England
George Thompson, P. (Peter) Borthwick, William Lloyd Garrison
206 pages
Discussion on American slavery, in Dr. Wardlaw's chapel : between Mr George Thompson, and the Rev. R.J. Breckinridge, of Baltimore, United States, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th June, 1836
Robert J. (Robert Jefferson) Breckinridge, Elizabeth Pease, George Thompson
Discussion on American slavery, in Dr. Wardlaw's chapel : between Mr George Thompson, and the Rev. R.J. Breckinridge, of Baltimore, United States, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th June, 1836
Robert J. (Robert Jefferson) Breckinridge, Elizabeth Pease, George Thompson
158 pages
My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson - Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.
George Thompson