The effect of mere-measurement of cognitions on physical activity behavior: a randomized controlled trial among overweight and obese individuals
Bélanger-Gravel Ariane, Amireault Steve, Vohl Marie-Claude, Pérusse, Pérusse Louis, Gaston Godin
Omega-3 fatty acids status in human subjects estimated using a food frequency questionnaire and plasma phospholipids levels
Gaston Godin, Garneau Véronique, Rudkowska Iwona, Paradis Ann-Marie, Pérusse Louis, Vohl, Vohl Marie-Claude, Pierre Julien
Moderators of the intention-behaviour and perceived behavioural control-behaviour relationships for leisure-time physical activity
Gaston Godin, Amireault Steve, Vohl Marie-Claude, Pérusse, Pérusse Louis
Validity of a self-reported measure of familial history of obesity
Paradis Ann-Marie, Pérusse Louis, Vohl, Vohl Marie-Claude, Gaston Godin
Understanding physical activity intentions among French Canadians with type 2 diabetes: an extension of Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour
Gaston Godin, Boudreau François, Godin
L'éducation pour la santé : les fondements psycho-sociaux de la définition des messages éducatifs - article ; n°1 ; vol.9, pg 67-94
Gaston Godin