DNA methylation patterns associate with genetic and gene expression variation in HapMap cell lines
Pai, Gaffney, Pique-Regi Roger, Degner, Gilad Yoav, Pritchard, Pickrell, Bell
Dissecting the regulatory architecture of gene expression QTLs
Gaffney, Veyrieras Jean-Baptiste, Degner, Pique-Regi Roger, Pai, Crawford, Stephens Matthew, Gilad Yoav, Pritchard
2115 A novel targeted iron oxide nanocolloid agent for rapid detection of fibrin clots via T1 and T2 weighted MRI
Caruthers, Senpan Angana, Pan Dipanjan, Gaffney, Wickline, Scott, Lanza
Determination of cytokine protein levels in oral secretions in patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck malignancies
Gaffney David, William Shield, Citrin, Hitchcock, Chung Eun, Frandsen Jonathan, Urick Mary, Gaffney