Raisins and additional walking have distinct effects on plasma lipids and inflammatory cytokines
Puglisi, Vaishnav Ushma, Shrestha Sudeep, Torres-Gonzalez Moises, Volek, Fernandez Maria, Wood, Fernandez
Eggs modulate the inflammatory response to carbohydrate restricted diets in overweight men
Ratliff, Mutungi Gisella, Puglisi, Volek, Fernandez Maria, Fernandez
Upregulated but insufficient generation of activated protein C is associated with development of multiorgan failure in severe acute pancreatitis
Petaja Jari, Lindstrom Outi, Kylanpaa Leena, Mentula Panu, Puolakkainen Pauli, Kemppainen Esko, Haapiainen Reijo, Griffin, Repo Heikki, Petaja, Fernandez
Upregulated but insufficient generation of activated protein C is associated with development of multiorgan failure in severe acute pancreatitis
Petaja Jari, Lindstrom Outi, Kylanpaa Leena, Mentula Panu, Puolakkainen Pauli, Kemppainen Esko, Haapiainen Reijo, Griffin, Repo Heikki, Petaja, Fernandez
9 pages
Development and validation of an Opioid Attractiveness Scale: a novel measure of the attractiveness of opioid products to potential abusers
Budman, Mccormick Cynthia, Venuti Synne, Katz Nathaniel, Butler, Katz, Fernandez, Christine Benoît
Plasma LDL and HDL characteristics and carotenoid content are positively influenced by egg consumption in an elderly population1
Greene, Waters David, Contois, Fernandez Maria, Fernandez, Clark
Pharmacokinetic targeting of intravenous busulfan reduces conditioning regimen related toxicity following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia
Pidala Joseph, Kim Jongphil, Anasetti Claudio, Kharfan-Dabaja, Nishihori Taiga, Field Teresa, Perkins Janelle, Perez Lia, Fernandez
Pharmacokinetic targeting of intravenous busulfan reduces conditioning regimen related toxicity following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia
Pidala Joseph, Kim Jongphil, Anasetti Claudio, Kharfan-Dabaja, Nishihori Taiga, Field Teresa, Perkins Janelle, Perez Lia, Fernandez
9 pages
Effects of a carbohydrate-restricted diet on emerging plasma markers for cardiovascular disease
Volek, Dell'Ova Carly, Fernandez Maria, Davis, Fernandez, Wood
Genetic parameters of meat technological quality traits in a grand-parental commercial line of turkey
Berri Cécile, Baéza Élisabeth, Santé Véronique, Astruc Thierry, Rémignon Hervé, Bentley James, Beaumont Catherine, Fernandez Xavier, Le, Fernandez
A Newfoundland cohort of familial and sporadic idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients: clinical and genetic features
Fox George, Bhatia Rick, Sala Eric, Noble Barbara, Denic Nash, Fernandez Dzintra, Duguid Nigel, Dohey Amanda, Kamel Fady, Edwards Laura, Mahoney Krista, Stuckless Susan, Parfrey, Woods, Fernandez
A Newfoundland cohort of familial and sporadic idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients: clinical and genetic features
Fox George, Bhatia Rick, Sala Eric, Noble Barbara, Denic Nash, Fernandez Dzintra, Duguid Nigel, Dohey Amanda, Kamel Fady, Edwards Laura, Mahoney Krista, Stuckless Susan, Parfrey, Woods, Fernandez
10 pages
Vitamin C partially attenuates male reproductive deficits in hyperglycemic rats
Damasceno, Anselmo-Franci, Kempinas, Fernandes, Fernandez, Campos
Diet-induced obesity in rats leads to a decrease in sperm motility
Bellentani, Perobelli, Favareto, Cicogna, Kempinas, Fernandes, Nascimento, Fernandez