What would PCR assessment change in the management of fevers in a malaria endemic area? A school-based study in Benin in children with and without fever
Faucher Jean-François, Aubouy Agnès, Béhéton Todoégnon, Makoutode Patrick, Abiou Grace, Doritchamou Justin, Houzé Pascal, Ouendo Edgard, Cot, Philippe Deloron, Michel Cot
What would PCR assessment change in the management of fevers in a malaria endemic area? A school-based study in Benin in children with and without fever
Faucher Jean-François, Aubouy Agnès, Béhéton Todoégnon, Makoutode Patrick, Abiou Grace, Doritchamou Justin, Houzé Pascal, Ouendo Edgard, Cot, Philippe Deloron, Michel Cot
5 pages
Can treatment of malaria be restricted to parasitologically confirmed malaria? A school-based study in Benin in children with and without fever
Faucher Jean-François, Makoutode Patrick, Abiou Grace, Béhéton Todoégnon, Houzé Pascal, Ouendo Edgard, Houzé Sandrine, Cot, Michel Cot, Philippe Deloron
Can treatment of malaria be restricted to parasitologically confirmed malaria? A school-based study in Benin in children with and without fever
Faucher Jean-François, Makoutode Patrick, Abiou Grace, Béhéton Todoégnon, Houzé Pascal, Ouendo Edgard, Houzé Sandrine, Cot, Michel Cot, Philippe Deloron
5 pages
PfHRP2 and PfLDH antigen detection for monitoring the efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparummalaria
Houzé Sandrine, Boly Mainoumata, Faucher, Faucher Jean-François, Le, Philippe Deloron