Community support frameworks 1989-1991 for converting the regions affected by industrial decline (Objective 2)
European Commission Secretariat-General
The Commission's programme for 1999 (COM(98) 604 and COM(98) 609)Presentation to the European Parliament by President Jacques Santer, Strasbourg, 15 December 1998Resolution of the European Parliament on the Commission's work programme for 1999
European Commission Secretariat-General
Analyses et études sectorielles
The Commission's programme for 1999 (COM(98) 604 and COM(98) 609)Presentation to the European Parliament by President Jacques Santer, Strasbourg, 15 December 1998Resolution of the European Parliament on the Commission's work programme for 1999
European Commission Secretariat-General
36 pages
Community support frameworks 1989-1991 for converting the regions affected by industrial decline (Objective 2)
European Commission Secretariat-General
The Commission's programme for 1988 (COM(97) 517 and SEC(97) 1852)The state of the Union
European Commission Secretariat-General
Community support framework 1989-1991 for converting the regions affected by industrial decline (Objective 2)
European Commission Secretariat-General
Group of advisers to the European Commission on the ethical implications of biotechnology
European Commission Secretariat-General
The Commission's programme for 1997 COM(96) 507 final and SEC(96) 1819 finalPresentation to the European Parliament by President Jacques Santer (Strasbourg, 22 October 1996)Resolution of the European Parliament on the programme for 1997
European Commission Secretariat-General
Analyses et études sectorielles
The Commission's programme for 1997 COM(96) 507 final and SEC(96) 1819 finalPresentation to the European Parliament by President Jacques Santer (Strasbourg, 22 October 1996)Resolution of the European Parliament on the programme for 1997
European Commission Secretariat-General
36 pages
Group of advisers to the European Commission on the ethical implications of biotechnology
European Commission Secretariat-General