Importance of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in advanced melanoma
Ho Jonhan, Lin Yan, Vincent Garret, Thorne Stephen, Hui-Min Lin, Kirkwood, Becker Dorothea, Van, Moschos, De, Duncan
Using shared goal setting to improve access and equity: a mixed methods study of the Good Goals intervention in children’s occupational therapy
Duncan, Kolehmainen Niina, Maclennan Graeme, Ternent Laura, Ryan, Mckee Lorna, Francis
MSP-1p42-specific antibodies affect growth and development of intra-erythrocytic parasites of Plasmodium falciparum
Bergmann-Leitner, Angov, Angov Evelina, Duncan
Immunity and other defenses in pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum
Altincicek Boran, Anselme Caroline, Atamian Hagop, Barribeau, Gabaldón Toni, Ghanim Murad, Heddi Adelaziz, Kaloshian Isgouhi, Latorre Amparo, Nakabachi Atsushi, Pérez-Brocal Vincente, Pignatelli Miguel, Ramsey, Spragg, Tamames Javier, Tamarit Daniel, Tamborindeguy Cecilia, Vincent-Monegat Caroline, Andreas Vilcinskas, Rahbé Yvan, Evans, Duncan, Parker, Moya Andrés, De, Gerardo
Immunity and other defenses in pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum
Altincicek Boran, Anselme Caroline, Atamian Hagop, Barribeau, Gabaldón Toni, Ghanim Murad, Heddi Adelaziz, Kaloshian Isgouhi, Latorre Amparo, Nakabachi Atsushi, Pérez-Brocal Vincente, Pignatelli Miguel, Ramsey, Spragg, Tamames Javier, Tamarit Daniel, Tamborindeguy Cecilia, Vincent-Monegat Caroline, Andreas Vilcinskas, Rahbé Yvan, Evans, Duncan, Parker, Moya Andrés, De, Gerardo
17 pages
The effect of whole grain wheat sourdough bread consumption on serum lipids in healthy normoglycemic/normoinsulinemic and hyperglycemic/hyperinsulinemic adults depends on presence of the APOEE3/E3 genotype: a randomized controlled trial
Tucker, Bakovic Marica, Graham, Duncan, Mackay, Robinson
The effect of whole grain wheat sourdough bread consumption on serum lipids in healthy normoglycemic/normoinsulinemic and hyperglycemic/hyperinsulinemic adults depends on presence of the APOEE3/E3 genotype: a randomized controlled trial
Tucker, Bakovic Marica, Graham, Duncan, Mackay, Robinson
13 pages
Diabetes, gender, and left ventricular structure in African-Americans: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study
Foppa Murilo, Arnett, Liebson, Manolio, Skelton, Benjamin, Duncan
1103 Cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of epicardial fat volume: impact of weight reduction in obese males
Piantadosi Cynthia, Worthley, Wittert, Nelson, Duncan
Impact of pre-existing MSP142-allele specific immunity on potency of an erythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum vaccine
Bergmann-Leitner, Mease, Angov, Angov Evelina, Duncan
Age and kidney function are the primary correlates of fasting plasma total homocysteine levels in non-diabetic and diabetic adults. Results from the 1999–2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Zhou, Zhou Xiao-Hua, Li, Duncan
The role of MUC1 and MUC3 in the biology and prognosis of colorectal cancer
Al-Attar, Scholefield, Durrant, Watson, Duncan
Racial differences in the built environment—body mass index relationship? A geospatial analysis of adolescents in urban neighborhoods
Gortmaker, Aldstadt Jared, Melly, Bennett, Duncan, Castro
Exercise motivation: a cross-sectional analysis examining its relationships with frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise
Jenny O, Wilson, Hall, Duncan, Jenny
Validation of cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of pericardial adipose tissue volume
Sanders Prashanthan, Nelson, Duncan, Worthley, Psaltis, Carbone Angelo, Dundon, Piantadosi Cynthia, Wittert, Lau
Does perception equal reality? Weight misperception in relation to weight-related attitudes and behaviors among overweight and obese US adults
Wolin, Scharoun-Lee Melissa, Ding, Warner, Bennett, Duncan