Comparative biochemical analysis of HIV-1 subtype B and C integrase enzymes
Bar-Magen Tamara, Sloan, Faltenbacher, Donahue, Kuhl, Oliveira Maureen, Xu Hongtao, Wainberg
T cell receptor transgenic lymphocytes infiltrating murine tumors are not induced to express foxp3
Quatromoni, Donahue, Wang Yue, Mcbride William, Chatila Talal, Morris, Economou
Ecrg4 expression and its product augurin in the choroid plexus: impact on fetal brain development, cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis and neuroprogenitor cell response to CNS injury
Gonzalez Ana, Podvin Sonia, Lin Shuh-Yow, Botfield Hannah, Leadbeater, Roberton Andrew, Dang Xitong, Knowling, Cardenas-Galindo Elena, Donahue, Stopa, Johanson, Coimbra Raul, Eliceiri, Baird Andrew, Miller
Ecrg4 expression and its product augurin in the choroid plexus: impact on fetal brain development, cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis and neuroprogenitor cell response to CNS injury
Gonzalez Ana, Podvin Sonia, Lin Shuh-Yow, Botfield Hannah, Leadbeater, Roberton Andrew, Dang Xitong, Knowling, Cardenas-Galindo Elena, Donahue, Stopa, Johanson, Coimbra Raul, Eliceiri, Baird Andrew, Miller
18 pages
Expression of Nef from unintegrated HIV-1 DNA downregulates cell surface CXCR4 and CCR5 on T-lymphocytes
Sloan, Donahue, Kuhl, Bar-Magen Tamara, Wainberg