Iron deposition and increased alveolar septal capillary density in nonfibrotic lung tissue are associated with pulmonary hypertension in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Kim Kyung-Hee, Maldonado Fabien, Eiken, Hartman, Bartholmai, Yi, Decker, Ryu
In plantaexpression of A. cellulolyticusCel5A endocellulase reduces cell wall recalcitrance in tobacco and maize
Brunecky Roman, Selig, Vinzant, Himmel, Lee David, Blaylock, Decker
Developing a nanoparticle test for prostate cancer scoring
Huo Qun, Litherland, Sullivan Shannon, Hallquist Hillari, Rivera-Ramirez, Rivera-Ramirez Inoel, Decker
Implications of cellobiohydrolase glycosylation for use in biomass conversion
Jeoh Tina, Michener William, Himmel, Adney, Decker
Accuracies of genomic breeding values in American Angus beef cattle using K-means clustering for cross-validation
Rolf, Saatchi Mahdi, Mckay, Kim Jaewoo, Taxis, Chapple, Ramey, Northcutt, Bauck Stewart, Woodward Brent, Dekkers, Schnabel, Garrick, Taylor, Mcclure, Decker, Fernando
Accuracies of genomic breeding values in American Angus beef cattle using K-means clustering for cross-validation
Rolf, Saatchi Mahdi, Mckay, Kim Jaewoo, Taxis, Chapple, Ramey, Northcutt, Bauck Stewart, Woodward Brent, Dekkers, Schnabel, Garrick, Taylor, Mcclure, Decker, Fernando
16 pages
Impact of immune escape mutations on HIV-1 fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder genome
Song Hongshuo, Pavlicek, Cai Fangping, Bhattacharya Tanmoy, Iyer, Goonetilleke Nilu, Berg Anna, Hora Bhavna, Drinker, Eudailey Josh, Pickeral Joy, Moody M, Ferrari Guido, Mcmichael Andrew, Perelson, Haynes, Gao Feng, Liu, Shaw, Hahn, Li Hui, Bar, Decker
Impact of immune escape mutations on HIV-1 fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder genome
Song Hongshuo, Pavlicek, Cai Fangping, Bhattacharya Tanmoy, Iyer, Goonetilleke Nilu, Berg Anna, Hora Bhavna, Drinker, Eudailey Josh, Pickeral Joy, Moody M, Ferrari Guido, Mcmichael Andrew, Perelson, Haynes, Gao Feng, Liu, Shaw, Hahn, Li Hui, Bar, Decker
14 pages
Capacités de rotation mentale dans un espace bi- et tri-dimensionnel chez des enfants de six à dix ans - article ; n°1 ; vol.94, pg 45-62