Use of a multi-virus array for the study of human viral and retroviral pathogens: gene expression studies and ChIP-chip analysis
Ghedin Elodie, Pumfery Anne, Yao Karen, Miller Naomi, Lacoste Vincent, Quackenbush John, Jacobson Steven, Kashanchi, Kashanchi Fatah, De
Use of a multi-virus array for the study of human viral and retroviral pathogens: gene expression studies and ChIP-chip analysis
Ghedin Elodie, Pumfery Anne, Yao Karen, Miller Naomi, Lacoste Vincent, Quackenbush John, Jacobson Steven, Kashanchi, Kashanchi Fatah, De
15 pages
Emergency surgery for recurrent intraabdominal cancer
Catena Fausto, Gazzotti Filippo, Ansaloni Luca, Agrusti Sonia, De, D'Alessandro Luigi, Taffurelli, Taffurelli Mario
Pro-inflammatory gene expression in solid glioblastoma microenvironment and in hypoxic stem cells from human glioblastoma
Di, Tafani Marco, Frati Alessandro, Pellegrini Laura, De, Sette Giovanni, Eramo Adriana, Sale Patrizio, Mari Emanuela, Santoro Antonio, Raco Antonino, Salvati Maurizio, Russo
Pro-inflammatory gene expression in solid glioblastoma microenvironment and in hypoxic stem cells from human glioblastoma
Di, Tafani Marco, Frati Alessandro, Pellegrini Laura, De, Sette Giovanni, Eramo Adriana, Sale Patrizio, Mari Emanuela, Santoro Antonio, Raco Antonino, Salvati Maurizio, Russo
16 pages
Sepsis induces albuminuria and alterations in the glomerular filtration barrier: a morphofunctional study in the rat
Adembri Chiara, Sgambati Eleonora, Vitali Luca, Selmi Valentina, Margheri Martina, Tani Alessia, Bonaccini Laura, Nosi Daniele, Caldini, Formigli Lucia, De
Sepsis induces albuminuria and alterations in the glomerular filtration barrier: a morphofunctional study in the rat
Adembri Chiara, Sgambati Eleonora, Vitali Luca, Selmi Valentina, Margheri Martina, Tani Alessia, Bonaccini Laura, Nosi Daniele, Caldini, Formigli Lucia, De
12 pages
Trend towards varying combinatorial centromere association in morphologically identical clusters in Purkinje neurons
Vadakkan, Li Baoxiang, De
Effects of changes in arterial pressure on organ perfusion during septic shock
Thooft Aurélie, Salgado Diamantino, Taccone, Donadello Katia, De, Creteur Jacques, Vincent, Jean-Louis Vincent, Favory Raphael
High throughput screening of hydrolytic enzymes from termites using a natural substrate derived from sugarcane bagasse
Lucena, Cordeiro, Lima, Sant'Anna Celso, Constantino Reginaldo, Azambuja Patricia, Garcia, Genta, De
Intestinal infection following aerosol challenge of calves with Mycobacterium aviumsubspecies paratuberculosis
Eisenberg, Koets, Nielen Mirjam, Heederik Dick, Mortier Rienske, De, Orsel, Orsel Karin
Factors that predict outcome of intensive care treatment in very elderly patients: a review
Abu-Hanna Ameen, Levi Marcel, De
Characterization of the protease domain of Rice tungro bacilliform virus responsible for the processing of the capsid protein from the polyprotein
Marmey Philippe, Rojas-Mendoza Ana, Beachy, Fauquet, De
Therapeutic targets for HIV-1 infection in the host proteome
Maddukuri Anil, Teslovich, Agbottah Emmanuel, Dadgar Shabnam, Kehn Kylene, Hautaniemi Sampsa, Pumfery Anne, Kashanchi Fatah, De, Liang, Stephan
Combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for developing a new Health Related Quality of Life measure for patients with anogenital warts
Colombo Jose, Lara Nuria, Llorens, Olmos Luis, Varela Jose, Vilata, Vilata Juan, Xavier Badia, De
Cerebral microcirculation is impaired during sepsis: an experimental study
Taccone, Su Fuhong, Pierrakos Charalampos, He Xinrong, James Syril, Dewitte Olivier, De, Jean-Louis Vincent
A qualitative study of the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding by health professionals in Niamey, Niger
De, Hamelin, Hamelin Anne-Marie, Moussa
Spatial clusters of violent deaths in a newly urbanized region of Brazil: highlighting the social disparities
Minamisava Ruth, Nouer, Melo Lícia, Andrade, De
Residential traffic exposure and children's emergency department presentation for asthma: a spatial study
Pereira Gavin, De, Cook Angus, Cook
How large is the lung recruitability in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective case series of patients monitored by computed tomography
Stanzani Fabiana, Passos, Albaladejo Renata, Caserta, Borges João, Barbas, Santos, Amato, Fontana, De
How large is the lung recruitability in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective case series of patients monitored by computed tomography
Stanzani Fabiana, Passos, Albaladejo Renata, Caserta, Borges João, Barbas, Santos, Amato, Fontana, De
14 pages
Deregulation of apoptosis-related genes is associated with PRV1overexpression and JAK2 V617F allele burden in Essential Thrombocythemia and Myelofibrosis
Tognon Raquel, Gasparotto, Neves, Kashima Simone, Covas, Santana Mary, Souto, Zanichelli, Simões, Ferreira, Castro, Nunes, Palma, De
Deregulation of apoptosis-related genes is associated with PRV1overexpression and JAK2 V617F allele burden in Essential Thrombocythemia and Myelofibrosis
Tognon Raquel, Gasparotto, Neves, Kashima Simone, Covas, Santana Mary, Souto, Zanichelli, Simões, Ferreira, Castro, Nunes, Palma, De
11 pages
A forgotten collection: the Libyan ethnobotanical exhibits (1912-14) by A. Trotter at the Museum O. Comes at the University Federico II in Naples, Italy
De, Pollio, Pollio Antonino
Inhibition of HIV-1 endocytosis allows lipid mixing at the plasma membrane, but not complete fusion
Marin Mariana, Kondo Naoyuki, Miyauchi Kosuke, Kim Yuri, Epand, Melikyan, De
The effects of a 25% discount on fruits and vegetables: results of a randomized trial in a three-dimensional web-based supermarket
Waterlander, Steenhuis, Schuit, Seidell, De
The emergence and current performance of a health research system: lessons from Guinea Bissau
Kok, Rodrigues Amabelia, Silva Augusto, De
The major secreted protein Msp1/p75 is O-glycosylated in Lactobacillus rhamnosusGG
Lebeer Sarah, Claes, Balog, Schoofs Geert, Verhoeven, Nys Kris, Tytgat, Agostinis Patrizia, Palva Airi, Van, Deelder, De, Wuhrer Manfred, Vanderleyden Jos, Von, De
Impact of carpal tunnel syndrome on the expectant woman's life
Rozali, Noorman, De, Razab, Sapuan Jamari, Singh Rajesh, Sikkandar, Feng
Dietary sources of energy and macronutrient intakes among Flemish preschoolers
Lea Maes, De, Vereecken Carine, Van, Vanhauwaert Erika, Huybrechts, Huybrechts Inge, Lin Yi
Revisiting the loading dose of amikacin for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
Taccone Fabio, Laterre Pierre-François, Spapen Herbert, Dugernier Thierry, Delattre Isabelle, Layeux Brice, De, Wittebole Xavier, Wallemacq Pierre, Jacobs Frédérique, Jean-Louis Vincent
Revisiting the loading dose of amikacin for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
Taccone Fabio, Laterre Pierre-François, Spapen Herbert, Dugernier Thierry, Delattre Isabelle, Layeux Brice, De, Wittebole Xavier, Wallemacq Pierre, Jacobs Frédérique, Jean-Louis Vincent
10 pages
Association between administered oxygen, arterial partial oxygen pressure and mortality in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients
Peelen Linda, Keijzers, Joore Hans, Bosman, Wesselink Ronald, Van, De
Intensive versus conventional insulinotherapy after elective and on-pump myocardial revascularization in the elderly patient: a prospective and randomized study
Caroleo S, Onorati F, Rubino A, Calandese F, De, Santangelo E, Renzulli A, Amantea, Amantea B