Differential epithelial expression of the putative innate immune molecule SPLUNC1 in Cystic Fibrosis
Bingle Lynne, Barnes, Rassl Doris, Bingle, Wallace, Cross, Campos
Bullying in school and cyberspace: Associations with depressive symptoms in Swiss and Australian adolescents
Perren Sonja, Dooley Julian, Shaw Thérèse, Cross Donna, Cross
A BCL2 promoter polymorphism rs2279115 is not associated with BCL2 protein expression or patient survival in breast cancer patients
Searle, Brock, Balasubramanian, Reed, Cox, Cox Angela, Cross
Dorsal stream involvement in recognition of objects with transient onset but not with ramped onset
Laycock Robin, Lourenco Tomas, Crewther, Cross
Remifentanil versus fentanyl for analgesia based sedation to provide patient comfort in the intensive care unit: a randomized, double-blind controlled trial [ISRCTN43755713]
Muellejans Bernd, López Angel, Bonome César, Morrison Lachlan, Kirkham, Cross
Emotional climate, feeding practices, and feeding styles: an observational analysis of the dinner meal in Head Start families
Papaioannou, Nicklas, Shewchuk, Cross, Hall, Hughes, Power
WFDC2 (HE4): A potential role in the innate immunity of the oral cavity and respiratory tract and the development of adenocarcinomas of the lung
Cross, High, Rassl Doris, Yuan Guanglu, Hellstrom Ingegerd, Bingle, Campos, Wallace, Bingle Lynne