The effects of an HIV project on HIV and non-HIV services at local government clinics in urban Kampala
Matsubayashi Toru, Manabe, Etonu Allan, Kyegombe Nambusi, Muganzi Alex, Coutinho Alex, Peters
The impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda
Nankumbi Joyce, Groves Sara, Leontsini Elli, Kyegombe Nambusi, Coutinho Alex, Manabe, Manabe Yuka
Mortality in an antiretroviral therapy programme in Jinja, south-east Uganda: a prospective cohort study
Amuron Barbara, Levin Jonathan, Birunghi Josephine, Namara Geoffrey, Coutinho Alex, Grosskurth Heiner, Jaffar, Jaffar Shabbar