Dosage-dependent effects of permethrin-treated nets on the behaviour of Anopheles gambiaeand the selection of pyrethroid resistance
Corbel Vincent, Chandre Fabrice, Brengues Cécile, Lardeux Frédéric, Hougard Jean, Akogbeto Martin, Guillet, Guillet Pierre
Experimental hut evaluation of bednets treated with an organophosphate (chlorpyrifos-methyl) or a pyrethroid (lambdacyhalothrin) alone and in combination against insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiaeand Culex quinquefasciatusmosquitoes
Asidi, Koffi, Hougard Jean-Marc, Curtis, N', Chandre Fabrice, Corbel Vincent, Darriet Frédéric, Zaim Morteza, Rowland
Experimental hut evaluation of bednets treated with an organophosphate (chlorpyrifos-methyl) or a pyrethroid (lambdacyhalothrin) alone and in combination against insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiaeand Culex quinquefasciatusmosquitoes
Asidi, Koffi, Hougard Jean-Marc, Curtis, N', Chandre Fabrice, Corbel Vincent, Darriet Frédéric, Zaim Morteza, Rowland
9 pages
Insecticide resistance status in Anopheles gambiaein southern Benin
Yadouleton, Padonou Gil, Asidi Alex, Moiroux Nicolas, Bio-Banganna Sahabi, Corbel Vincent, Yacoubou Imorou, Gazard Kinde, Akogbeto, N'Guessan Raphael, Gbénou Dina
Field evaluation of pyriproxyfen and spinosad mixture for the control of insecticide resistant Aedes aegyptiin Martinique (French West Indies)
Darriet Frédéric, Marcombe Sébastien, Etienne Manuel, Yébakima André, Agnew Philip, Yp-Tcha Marie-Michelle, Corbel Vincent, Corbel
Field evaluation of pyriproxyfen and spinosad mixture for the control of insecticide resistant Aedes aegyptiin Martinique (French West Indies)
Darriet Frédéric, Marcombe Sébastien, Etienne Manuel, Yébakima André, Agnew Philip, Yp-Tcha Marie-Michelle, Corbel Vincent, Corbel
8 pages
Culicidaediversity, malaria transmission and insecticide resistance alleles in malaria vectors in Ouidah-Kpomasse-Tori district from Benin (West Africa): A pre-intervention study
Djènontin Armel, Bio-Bangana Sahabi, Moiroux Nicolas, Henry Marie-Claire, Bousari Olayidé, Chabi Joseph, Koudénoukpo Sébastien, Corbel Vincent, Chandre Fabrice, Akogbeto Martin, Ossé Razaki
Culicidaediversity, malaria transmission and insecticide resistance alleles in malaria vectors in Ouidah-Kpomasse-Tori district from Benin (West Africa): A pre-intervention study
Djènontin Armel, Bio-Bangana Sahabi, Moiroux Nicolas, Henry Marie-Claire, Bousari Olayidé, Chabi Joseph, Koudénoukpo Sébastien, Corbel Vincent, Chandre Fabrice, Akogbeto Martin, Ossé Razaki
7 pages
Malaria infection and disease in an area with pyrethroid-resistant vectors in southern Benin
Djènontin Armel, Rogier Christophe, Corbel Vincent, Bangana, Chandre Fabrice, Kindé-Gazard Dorothée, Massougbodji Achille, Henry Marie-Claire, Damien, Henry, Akogbeto Martin
Malaria infection and disease in an area with pyrethroid-resistant vectors in southern Benin
Djènontin Armel, Rogier Christophe, Corbel Vincent, Bangana, Chandre Fabrice, Kindé-Gazard Dorothée, Massougbodji Achille, Henry Marie-Claire, Damien, Henry, Akogbeto Martin
11 pages
The importance of considering community-level effects when selecting insecticidal malaria vector products
Killeen, Okumu, N'Guessan Raphael, Coosemans Marc, Adeogun Adedapo, Awolola Sam, Etang Josiane, Dabiré, Corbel Vincent, Corbel
Field efficacy of a new mosaic long-lasting mosquito net (PermaNet®3.0) against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors: a multi centre study in Western and Central Africa
Corbel Vincent, Chabi Joseph, Dabiré, Etang Josiane, Nwane Philippe, Pigeon Olivier, Akogbeto Martin, Hougard, Hougard Jean-Marc
Field efficacy of a new mosaic long-lasting mosquito net (PermaNet®3.0) against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors: a multi centre study in Western and Central Africa
Corbel Vincent, Chabi Joseph, Dabiré, Etang Josiane, Nwane Philippe, Pigeon Olivier, Akogbeto Martin, Hougard, Hougard Jean-Marc
12 pages
Managing insecticide resistance in malaria vectors by combining carbamate-treated plastic wall sheeting and pyrethroid-treated bed nets
Djènontin Armel, Chabi Joseph, Baldet Thierry, Irish Seth, Pennetier Cédric, Hougard Jean-Marc, Corbel Vincent, Chandre, Chandre Fabrice, Akogbeto Martin
Managing insecticide resistance in malaria vectors by combining carbamate-treated plastic wall sheeting and pyrethroid-treated bed nets
Djènontin Armel, Chabi Joseph, Baldet Thierry, Irish Seth, Pennetier Cédric, Hougard Jean-Marc, Corbel Vincent, Chandre, Chandre Fabrice, Akogbeto Martin
9 pages
Insecticide susceptibility of Aedes aegyptiand Aedes albopictusin Central Africa
Kamgang Basile, Marcombe Sébastien, Chandre Fabrice, Nchoutpouen Elysée, Nwane Philippe, Etang Josiane, Corbel Vincent, Paupy, Paupy Christophe
Synergy between repellents and non-pyrethroid insecticides strongly extends the efficacy of treated nets against Anopheles gambiae
Pennetier Cédric, Corbel Vincent, Odjo Abibatou, Lapied Bruno, Hougard, Hougard Jean-Marc, N'Guessan Raphael, Boko Pelagie
Multi-function oxidases are responsible for the synergistic interactions occurring between repellents and insecticides in mosquitoes
Bonnet Julien, Pennetier Cédric, Duchon Stéphane, Lapied Bruno, Corbel, Corbel Vincent