F. Anatolii Kamenskii Tlingit Indians of Alaska. Translated, with an Introduction and Supplementary Material by S. Kan ; n°101 ; vol.27, pg 175-176
Claude Lévi-Strauss
L. S. Cressman, Cultural Sequences at « The Dalles », Oregon. A Contribution to Pacific Northwest Prehistory ; n°2 ; vol.3, pg 137-138
Claude Lévi-Strauss
H. C. Wolfart & J. F. Carroll, Meet Cree. A Guide to the Cree Language ; n°1 ; vol.23, pg 161-161
Claude Lévi-Strauss
A. Tanner, Bringing Home Animals. Religious Ideology and Mode of Production of the Mistassini Cree Hunters ; n°3 ; vol.20, pg 146-147
Claude Lévi-Strauss
W. L. Chafe, ed., American Indian Languages and American Linguistics ; n°1 ; vol.18, pg 198-199
Claude Lévi-Strauss
M. R. Gilmore, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region ; n°1 ; vol.19, pg 154-155
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Father B. H Aile, OFM, Women versus Men. A Conflict of Navajo Emergence. The Curly to Aheedliinii Version. — ID., The Upward Moving and Emergence Way. The Gishin Biye' Version ; n°1 ; vol.23, pg 159-160
Claude Lévi-Strauss
W. Cowan, ed., Papers of the Twelfth Algonquian Conference. — ID., ed., Papers of the Thirteenth Algonquian Conference ; n°1 ; vol.23, pg 160-161
Claude Lévi-Strauss
J. Millet & C. M. Eastman, eds., The Tsimshian and Their Neighbors of the North Pacific Coast. — M. Seguin, ed., The Tsimshian. Images of the Past, Views for the Present ; n°99 ; vol.26, pg 139-141
Claude Lévi-Strauss
M. Mauzé, Les Fils de Wakai. Une histoire des Indiens Lekwiltoq ; n°131 ; vol.34, pg 177-178
Claude Lévi-Strauss
J. M. Cruxent et Irving Rouse, Archeologia chronologica de Venezuela ; n°3 ; vol.3, pg 126-127
Claude Lévi-Strauss
F. M. Setzler, Welcome Mound and the Effigy Pipes of the Adena People ; n°3 ; vol.2, pg 134-134
Claude Lévi-Strauss
M. B. Blackman, During my Time. Florence Edenshaw Davidson, a Haida Woman ; n°4 ; vol.23, pg 84-84
Claude Lévi-Strauss