The added value of longitudinal black-blood cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography in the cross sectional identification of carotid atherosclerotic ulceration
Yu Wei, Underhill, Hippe, Hatsukami, Yuan Chun, Chu Baocheng, Ferguson, Chu
The association of lesion eccentricity with plaque morphology and components in the superficial femoral artery: a high-spatial-resolution, multi-contrast weighted CMR study
Li Feiyu, Mcdermott Mary, Li Debiao, Carroll, Hippe, Kramer, Fan Zhaoyang, Zhao Xihai, Hatsukami, Chu Baocheng, Wang Jinnan, Yuan Chun
The association of lesion eccentricity with plaque morphology and components in the superficial femoral artery: a high-spatial-resolution, multi-contrast weighted CMR study
Li Feiyu, Mcdermott Mary, Li Debiao, Carroll, Hippe, Kramer, Fan Zhaoyang, Zhao Xihai, Hatsukami, Chu Baocheng, Wang Jinnan, Yuan Chun
8 pages
Differences in carotid arterial morphology and composition between individuals with and without obstructive coronary artery disease: A cardiovascular magnetic resonance study
Underhill, Yuan Chun, Chen Haiying, Espeland, Hatsukami, Saam Tobias, Chu Baocheng, Yu Wei, Oikawa Minako, Takaya Norihide, Yarnykh, Kraft Robert, Maldjian Joseph, Tang Rong, Crouse, Terry, Carr
Differences in carotid arterial morphology and composition between individuals with and without obstructive coronary artery disease: A cardiovascular magnetic resonance study
Underhill, Yuan Chun, Chen Haiying, Espeland, Hatsukami, Saam Tobias, Chu Baocheng, Yu Wei, Oikawa Minako, Takaya Norihide, Yarnykh, Kraft Robert, Maldjian Joseph, Tang Rong, Crouse, Terry, Carr
11 pages