The morphology of built up landscapes in Wallonia Belgium a classification using fractal indices Abstract The spatial pattern of built up areas within a NUTS European region Wallonia in Belgium is analysed using fractal indices Methodologically this paper illustrates the usefulness of fractal indices in measuring built up morphologies and also shows that clustering techniques have to be adapted for the non Euclidean nature of the fractal measurements An expectation maximisation algorithm EM combined with a Bayesian information criterion BIC is used Empirically we show that fractal indices partition the region into sub areas that do not correspond to “natural landscapes” but result from the history of urbanisation Urban sprawl seems to affect most communes even the remotest villages: traditional compact ribbon etc villages are transformed into more complex and heterogeneous shapes These indices seem to be useful for characterising and understanding the built landscapes as well as for modelling and planning urban realities Keywords: fractal dimension built up geometry pattern analysis peri urbanisation Belgium
Christophe Biernacki
Rapports de stage
The morphology of built up landscapes in Wallonia Belgium a classification using fractal indices Abstract The spatial pattern of built up areas within a NUTS European region Wallonia in Belgium is analysed using fractal indices Methodologically this paper illustrates the usefulness of fractal indices in measuring built up morphologies and also shows that clustering techniques have to be adapted for the non Euclidean nature of the fractal measurements An expectation maximisation algorithm EM combined with a Bayesian information criterion BIC is used Empirically we show that fractal indices partition the region into sub areas that do not correspond to “natural landscapes” but result from the history of urbanisation Urban sprawl seems to affect most communes even the remotest villages: traditional compact ribbon etc villages are transformed into more complex and heterogeneous shapes These indices seem to be useful for characterising and understanding the built landscapes as well as for modelling and planning urban realities Keywords: fractal dimension built up geometry pattern analysis peri urbanisation Belgium
Christophe Biernacki
44 pages