An association study between various monoamine transporter gene polymorphisms and treatment response to mirtazapine in major depression
Neuroprotective and anti-oxidant effects of caffeic acid isolated from Erigeron annuusleaf
Jeong Chang-Ho, Jeong, Choi, Kim Dae-Ok, Lee Uk, Heo
Gene silencing in HIV-1 latency by polycomb repressive group
Kim Hyeon, Kim Kyung-Chang, Roh Tae-Young, Park Jihwan, Jung Kyung-Min, Lee Joo-Shil, Choi Sang-Yun, Kim Sung, Choi, Choi Byeong-Sun
Platelet-activating factor enhancement of calcium influx and interleukin-6 expression, but not production, in human microglia
Sattayaprasert Prasongchai, Choi, Chongthammakun Sukumal, Mclarnon
Alterations in arterial function after high-voltage electrical injury
Park Kyoung-Ha, Park Woo, Kim Min-Kyu, Kim Hyun-Sook, Kim Seong, Cho Goo-Yeong, Choi, Choi Young-Jin
Notch modulates VEGF action in endothelial cells by inducing Matrix Metalloprotease activity
Funahashi Yasuhiro, Shawber, Sharma Anshula, Kanamaru Emi, Choi, Kitajewski, Kitajewski Jan
An SNR-based admission control scheme in WiFi-based vehicular networks
Kim Kihun, Kim Younghyun, Pack Sangheon, Choi, Choi Nakjung
Impact of diabetes mellitus on life expectancy and health-adjusted life expectancy in Canada
Loukine Lidia, Waters Chris, Choi, Ellison, Ellison Joellyn
Mitigating ARP poisoning-based man-in-the-middle attacks in wired or wireless LAN
Nam Seung, Jurayev Sirojiddin, Kim Seung-Sik, Choi Kwonhue, Choi, Choi Gyu
Expression and significance of the TLR4/MyD88 signaling pathway in ovarian epithelial cancers
Kim Ki, Jo Moo, Suh Dong, Yoon Man, Shin Dong, Lee Jeong, Choi, Choi Kyung
Bee venom attenuates neuroinflammatory events and extends survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis models
Jiang, Choi, Choi Sun-Mi, Lee, Yang, H Wang
Inverse association of plasma IL-13 and inflammatory chemokines with lung function impairment in stable COPD: a cross-sectional cohort study
Rosengart, Kondragunta Venkateswarlu, Zhang Yingze, Mcmurray Jessica, Branch, Choi, Sciurba, Lee
Population genetic structure of the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus s.s. and allied species in southern Africa
Choi, Koekemoer, Coetzee, Coetzee Maureen
Carrageenan induced phosphorylation of Akt is dependent on neurokinin-1 expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn
Choi, Koehrn, Sorkin
Inhibitory effect of 4-O-methylhonokiol on lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation, amyloidogenesis and memory impairment via inhibition of nuclear factor-kappaB in vitroand in vivomodels
Lee Young-Jung, Choi Dong-Young, Choi, Lee Kiho, Han, Han Jin-Yi, Nam Sang-Yoon, Yun, Jeong, Oh Ki-Wan, Hong, Kim, Cho, Jung
Inhibitory effect of 4-O-methylhonokiol on lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation, amyloidogenesis and memory impairment via inhibition of nuclear factor-kappaB in vitroand in vivomodels
Lee Young-Jung, Choi Dong-Young, Choi, Lee Kiho, Han, Han Jin-Yi, Nam Sang-Yoon, Yun, Jeong, Oh Ki-Wan, Hong, Kim, Cho, Jung
19 pages
Quercetin 7-rhamnoside reduces porcine epidemic diarrhea virus replication via independent pathway of viral induced reactive oxygen species
Song Jae, Shim Jae, Choi, Choi Hwa
Intravaginal cytomegalovirus (CMV) challenge elicits maternal viremia and results in congenital transmission in a guinea pig model
Olejniczak, Choi, Mcvoy, Cui Xiaohong, Schleiss
Identifying conditions for inducible protein production in E. coli: combining a fed-batch and multiple induction approach
Aucoin, Mcmurray-Beaulieu Virginie, Poulin Frédéric, Chen Jingkui, Ardelean, Choi, Jolicoeur, Cloutier Mathieu, Miguez, Jolicoeur Mario, Boivin
Identifying conditions for inducible protein production in E. coli: combining a fed-batch and multiple induction approach
Aucoin, Mcmurray-Beaulieu Virginie, Poulin Frédéric, Chen Jingkui, Ardelean, Choi, Jolicoeur, Cloutier Mathieu, Miguez, Jolicoeur Mario, Boivin
13 pages
An efficient and secure anonymous authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems
Yoon Eun-Jun, Yoo Kee-Young, Hong Jeong-Woo, Yoon Sang-Yoon, Park Dong-In, Choi, Choi Myung-Jin
Carbon monoxide inhibits Fas activating antibody-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells
Wang Xue, Wang Yong, Lee Seon-Jin, Choi, Kim, Ryter
Enteroviruses isolated from herpangina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Korean children
Park Kwisung, Lee Baeckhee, Baek Kyoungah, Cheon Doosung, Yeo Sanggu, Park Joonsoo, Soh Jaewan, Cheon Haekyung, Yoon Kyungah, Choi, Choi Youngjin
Sequence and structure of Brassica rapachromosome A3
Mun Jeong-Hwan, Kwon Soo-Jin, Seol Young-Joo, Jin Mina, Lim Myung-Ho, Lee Soo-In, Hong, Park Tae-Ho, Lee Sang-Choon, Kim Beom-Jin, Seo Mi-Suk, Baek Seunghoon, Lee Min-Jee, Shin, Hahn Jang-Ho, Hwang Yoon-Jung, Lim Ki-Byung, Lee Jonghoon, Yang Tae-Jin, Yu Hee-Ju, Choi Ik-Young, Choi Beom-Soon, Choi, Ramchiary Nirala, Fraser Fiona, Drou Nizar, Soumpourou Eleni, Trick Martin, Bancroft Ian, Sharpe, Batley Jacqueline, Edwards Dave, Park Beom-Seok, Kim, Park, Lim, Park In
Sequence and structure of Brassica rapachromosome A3
Mun Jeong-Hwan, Kwon Soo-Jin, Seol Young-Joo, Jin Mina, Lim Myung-Ho, Lee Soo-In, Hong, Park Tae-Ho, Lee Sang-Choon, Kim Beom-Jin, Seo Mi-Suk, Baek Seunghoon, Lee Min-Jee, Shin, Hahn Jang-Ho, Hwang Yoon-Jung, Lim Ki-Byung, Lee Jonghoon, Yang Tae-Jin, Yu Hee-Ju, Choi Ik-Young, Choi Beom-Soon, Choi, Ramchiary Nirala, Fraser Fiona, Drou Nizar, Soumpourou Eleni, Trick Martin, Bancroft Ian, Sharpe, Batley Jacqueline, Edwards Dave, Park Beom-Seok, Kim, Park, Lim, Park In
12 pages
Quantum dot-induced cell death involves Fas upregulation and lipid peroxidation in human neuroblastoma cells
Choi, Desbarats Julie, Lovriä‡ Jasmina, Maysinger, Maysinger Dusica, Cho
Design, baseline characteristics, and retention of African American light smokers into a randomized trial involving biological data
Cox Lisa, Faseru Babalola, Mayo, Krebill Ron, Bronars, Nollen, Choi, Okuyemi, Salzman, Benowitz, Tyndale, Ahluwalia, Snow
Generation of diploid Pichia pastoris strains by mating and their application for recombinant protein production
Chen Ming-Tang, Lin Song, Shandil Ishaan, Andrews Dewan, Stadheim, Choi, Choi Byung-Kwon