ChIP-PaM: an algorithm to identify protein-DNA interaction using ChIP-Seq data
Wang Jianmin, Zhao Wei, Pounds Stanley, Cheng Cheng, Cheng, Wu Song
Granulocyte-CSF induced inflammation-associated cardiac thrombosis in iron loading mouse heart and can be attenuated by statin therapy
Lian, Lin Heng, Kikuchi Tateki, Cheng
Anonymous gateway-oriented password-based authenticated key exchange based on RSA
Wei Fushan, Ma Chuangui, Cheng Qingfeng, Cheng
Escalated regeneration in sciatic nerve crush injury by the combined therapy of human amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells and fermented soybean extracts, Natto
Pan Hung-Chuan, Yang Dar-Yu, Ho Shu-Peng, Sheu Meei-Ling, Chen Chung-Jung, Hwang Shiaw-Min, Chang Ming-Hong, Cheng Fu-Chou, Cheng
Escalated regeneration in sciatic nerve crush injury by the combined therapy of human amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells and fermented soybean extracts, Natto
Pan Hung-Chuan, Yang Dar-Yu, Ho Shu-Peng, Sheu Meei-Ling, Chen Chung-Jung, Hwang Shiaw-Min, Chang Ming-Hong, Cheng Fu-Chou, Cheng
12 pages
An ecological quantification of the relationships between water, sanitation and infant, child, and maternal mortality
Schuster-Wallace, Watt Susan, Newbold, Mente, Mente Andrew, Cheng
Simple projection algorithm for a countable family of weak relatively nonexpansive mappings and applications
Zhang Jingling, Su Yongfu, Cheng Qingqing, Cheng
An assessment of the quality of randomised controlled trials conducted in China
Zhang Dalu, Yin Peng, Freemantle Nick, Jordan Rachel, Zhong Nanshan, Cheng Kk, Cheng
Sepsis-associated microvascular dysfunction measured by peripheral arterial tonometry: an observational study
Yeo, Mcmillan Mark, Mcneil, Celermajer, Anstey, Thomas, Davis, Darcy, Stephens, Cheng
A strong convergence theorem on solving common solutions for generalized equilibrium problems and fixed-point problems in Banach space
Qu De-Ning, Cheng, Cheng Cao-Zong
IκB kinases increase Myc protein stability and enhance progression of breast cancer cells
Yeh Pei-Yen, Lu Yen-Shen, Ou Da-Liang, Cheng Ann-Lii, Cheng
1007 Tolerance and safety of adenosine stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in patients with coronary artery disease
Arnold, Karamitsos, Pegg, Banning Adrian, Neubauer Stefan, Selvanayagam, Van, Cheng, Francis
PTEN and rapamycin inhibiting the growth of K562 cells through regulating mTOR signaling pathway
Niu, Chen Hao, Pan Ling, Wang, Li, Yang, Pan, Guo, Cheng
Inefficient cationic lipid-mediated siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide transfer to airway epithelial cells in vivo
Griesenbach Uta, Kitson Chris, Garcia Sara, Farley Raymond, Singh Charanjit, Somerton Luci, Painter Hazel, Hyde, Chow Yu-Hua, Hu Jim, Gray Mike, Edbrooke Mark, Ogilvie Varrie, Macgregor Gordon, Scheule, Caplen, Alton, Smith, Gill, Cheng
Inefficient cationic lipid-mediated siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide transfer to airway epithelial cells in vivo
Griesenbach Uta, Kitson Chris, Garcia Sara, Farley Raymond, Singh Charanjit, Somerton Luci, Painter Hazel, Hyde, Chow Yu-Hua, Hu Jim, Gray Mike, Edbrooke Mark, Ogilvie Varrie, Macgregor Gordon, Scheule, Caplen, Alton, Smith, Gill, Cheng
15 pages
Biomechanical analysis and modeling of different vertebral growth patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy subjects
Shi Lin, Wang Defeng, Driscoll Mark, Villemure Isabelle, Aubin, Aubin Carl-Eric, Cheng, Chu
Sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma patients beyond Milan criteria after orthotopic liver transplantation: a case control study
Teng Chieh-Lin, Hwang Wen-Li, Chen Yi-Ju, Chang Kuang-Hsi, Cheng Shao-Bin, Cheng
2011 Quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imaging at 3 Tesla in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Karamitsos, Jerosch-Herold Michael, Pegg, Neubauer Stefan, Selvanayagam, Cheng, Arnold
100 Prognostic significance of post-procedural irreversible myocardial injury detected by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging
Selvanayagam, Rahimi Kazem, Banning Adrian, Pegg, Karamitsos Theodoros, Taggart, Neubauer, Neubauer Stefan, Cheng
Differential effects of dietary supplements on metabolomic profile of smokers versus non-smokers
Spitale, Chun, Gorell, Munoz, Knaggs, Wulff Jacob, Beebe, Chang, Wood, Cheng, Kern
Differential mRNA expression of seven genes involved in cholesterol metabolism and transport in the liver of atherosclerosis-susceptible and -resistant Japanese quail strains
Li Xinrui, Schulte Patricia, Cheng, Godin
Expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in human hepatocellular carcinoma and its role in portal vein tumor thrombus
Li Nan, Guo Weixing, Shi Jie, Xue Jie, Hu Huasheng, Xie Dong, Wu Mengchao, Cheng Shuqun, Cheng
Chronic disease and recent addiction treatment utilization among alcohol and drug dependent adults
Reif Sharon, Larson, Allensworth-Davies Donald, Samet Jeffrey, Saitz, Saitz Richard, Cheng
Apoptosis of viral-infected airway epithelial cells limit viral production and is altered by corticosteroid exposure
Singhera, Hamann, Dorscheid, Chan, Vitalis, Cheng