Inefficient cationic lipid-mediated siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide transfer to airway epithelial cells in vivo
Griesenbach Uta, Kitson Chris, Garcia Sara, Farley Raymond, Singh Charanjit, Somerton Luci, Painter Hazel, Hyde, Chow Yu-Hua, Hu Jim, Gray Mike, Edbrooke Mark, Ogilvie Varrie, Macgregor Gordon, Scheule, Caplen, Alton, Smith, Gill, Cheng
Inefficient cationic lipid-mediated siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide transfer to airway epithelial cells in vivo
Griesenbach Uta, Kitson Chris, Garcia Sara, Farley Raymond, Singh Charanjit, Somerton Luci, Painter Hazel, Hyde, Chow Yu-Hua, Hu Jim, Gray Mike, Edbrooke Mark, Ogilvie Varrie, Macgregor Gordon, Scheule, Caplen, Alton, Smith, Gill, Cheng
15 pages
Systems-wide RNAi analysis of CASP8AP2/FLASHshows transcriptional deregulation of the replication-dependent histone genes and extensive effects on the transcriptome of colorectal cancer cells
Hummon, Pitt, Camps Jordi, Emons Georg, Skube, Huppi Konrad, Beissbarth Tim, Kramer Frank, Grade Marian, Difilippantonio, Ried Thomas, Caplen, Jones
Systems-wide RNAi analysis of CASP8AP2/FLASHshows transcriptional deregulation of the replication-dependent histone genes and extensive effects on the transcriptome of colorectal cancer cells
Hummon, Pitt, Camps Jordi, Emons Georg, Skube, Huppi Konrad, Beissbarth Tim, Kramer Frank, Grade Marian, Difilippantonio, Ried Thomas, Caplen, Jones
22 pages