Genome-wide profiling of gene expression in the epididymis of alpha-chlorohydrin-induced infertile rats using an oligonucleotide microarray
Xie Shuwu, Zhu Yan, Lu Yingying, Zhou Jieyun, Gui Youlun, Cao Lin, Lima, Cao
Assessment of psychosocial functioning and its risk factors in children with pectus excavatum
Ji Yi, Liu Wenying, Chen Siyuan, Xu Bing, Tang Yunman, Wang Xuejun, Yang Gang, Cao Liming, Cao
Response of neural reward regions to food cues in autism spectrum disorders
Cascio, Heacock, Rogers, Cao Aize, Cao, Cowan, Foss-Feig, Newsom, Benningfield
Engineered myocardial tissues constructed in vivousing cardiomyocyte-like cells derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in rats
Xing Yujie, Lv Anlin, Yan Xuebo, Zhao Wei, Cao Feng, Cao, Wang Li
Cyclic strain upregulates VEGF and attenuates proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells
Schad, Meltzer, Hicks, Beutler, Standley, Cao
Exponential stability of stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching and delayed impulses via Razumikhin method
Pan Lijun, Cao Jinde, Cao
Isolation and molecular characterization of genotype 1 Japanese encephalitis virus, SX09S-01, from pigs in China
Qian, Qian Ping, Chen, Li, Zhu, Cao, Wang
1076 Effects of age and gender on right ventricular structure and function: a turning point at age fifty
Gupta Dipti, White Suzanne, Schapiro William, Ngai Nora, Passick Michael, Han Jing, Reichek, Reichek Nathaniel, Cao, Goldman
1010 Plaque burden as a determinant of coronary endothelial function
Reichek Nathaniel, Jain Hitender, Borges Andressa, Han Jing, Siddiqi Saadi, Iwuchukwu Chizor, Roth Marguerite, Cao Jane, Cao
Induction of antigen-specific immune responses in mice by recombinant baculovirus expressing premembrane and envelope proteins of West Nile virus
Ye Jing, Zhu Bibo, Lu Ping, Yang Xiaohong, Fu, Chen Huanchun, Cao Shengbo, Cao, Jiang Rong
Studying the unfolding process of protein G and protein L under physical property space
Zhao Liling, Wang Jihua, Dou Xianghua, Cao Zanxia, Cao
The nuclear localization of SWI/SNF proteins is subjected to oxygen regulation
Dastidar Ranita, Hooda Jagmohan, Shah Ajit, Henke Robert, Zhang, Cao, Li Zhang
Expression of the transient receptor potential channels TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8 in mouse trigeminal primary afferent neurons innervating the dura
Huang Dongyue, Li Shuyang, Dhaka Ajay, Cao Yu-Qing, Cao, Story
Japanese encephalitis virus infection induces changes of mRNA profile of mouse spleen and brain
Ye Jing, Yang Xiaohong, Chen Huanchun, Cao Shengbo, Yang Yang, Jiang Rong, Cao
Polysaccharides from the Chinese medicinal herb Achyranthes bidentataenhance anti-malarial immunity during Plasmodium yoelii17XL infection in mice
Zhu Xiaotong, Pan Yanyan, Cui Liwang, Cao Yaming, Li Zheng, Cao
Dietary correlates of an at-risk BMI among Inuit adults in the Canadian high arctic: cross-sectional international polar year Inuit health survey, 2007-2008
Zienczuk Natalia, Young T, Egeland, Cao
Proteomic analysis of purified coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus particles
Kong Qingming, Xue Chunyi, Ren Xiangpeng, Zhang Chengwen, Li Linlin, Shu Dingming, Bi Yingzuo, Cao Yongchang, Cao
Proteomic analysis of purified Newcastle disease virus particles
Ren Xiangpeng, Xue Chunyi, Kong Qingming, Zhang Chengwen, Bi Yingzuo, Cao Yongchang, Cao
237 MRI myocardial perfusion quantification: effects from contrast dose, imaging plane and sequence
Hazel Raphael, Luo Bin, Roth Margerite, Han Jing, Schapiro William, Reichek, Reichek Nathaniel, Cao, Wangyi
2083 Women have higher left ventricular ejection fractions than men: a multivariable analysis in 4864 subjects using SSFP cine MRI
Shanbhag, Schelbert, Hsu Li-Yueh, Sigurdsson Sigurdur, Arai, Cao
Synchronization of nonidentical chaotic neural networks with leakage delay and mixed time-varying delays
Song Qiankun, Cao Jinde, Cao
Cryopreservation of human failed-matured oocytes followed by in vitro maturation: vitrification is superior to the slow freezing method
Zhang Zhiguo, Liu Yu, Xing Qiong, Zhou Ping, Cao Yunxia, Cao
Ab-origin: an enhanced tool to identify the sourcing gene segments in germline for rearranged antibodies
Wang Xiaojing, Zheng Siyuan, Sun Jing, Li Yixue, Cao Zhiwei, Di Wu, Cao, Tao Lin
Efficient inhibition of lung cancer in murine model by plasmid-encoding VEGF short hairpin RNA in combination with low-dose DDP
Zhang Shuang, Chen Xiang, Zhang Na, Jiang Yu, Zhao Xia, Deng, Ma, Wang Wei, Cao, Yang Yang, Wei
Infection of hepatitis B virus in extrahepatic endothelial tissues mediated by endothelial progenitor cells
Rong Qifei, Huang Jun, Su Enben, Li Jun, Li Jianyong, Zhang Lili, Cao Kejiang, Cao
Profiling of cellular proteins in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus virions by proteomics analysis
Xue Chunyi, Kong Qingming, Li Xiaoming, Bi Yingzuo, Cao Yongchang, Zhang Chengwen, Ren Xiangpeng, Shu Dingming, Cao, Yan Li
Allicin enhances host pro-inflammatory immune responses and protects against acute murine malaria infection
Feng Yonghui, Zhu Xiaotong, Wang Qinghui, Jiang Yongjun, Shang Hong, Cui Liwang, Cao Yaming, Cao