Costs and cost-effectiveness of delivering intermittent preventive treatment through schools in western Kenya
Temperley Matilda, Njagi, Akhwale Willis, Jukes, Estambale, Brooker, Brooker Simon, Mueller, Clarke
Cost analysis of school-based intermittent screening and treatment of malaria in Kenya
Drake, Okello George, Njagi Kiambo, Halliday, Jukes, Mangham Lindsay, Brooker, Brooker Simon
School-based surveys of malaria in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia: a rapid survey method for malaria in low transmission settings
Ashton, Kefyalew Takele, Tesfaye Gezahegn, Pullan, Yadeta Damtew, Reithinger Richard, Kolaczinski, Brooker, Brooker Simon
Local perceptions of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria in school children on the south coast of Kenya
Okello George, Ndegwa, Halliday, Hanson Kara, Brooker, Jones, Caroline Jones
Implementing school malaria surveys in Kenya: towards a national surveillance system
Karan Ja, Gitonga, Kihara Jimmy, Mwanje Mariam, Juma Elizabeth, Brooker, Brooker Simon, Snow, Noor
The effect of octopaminergic compounds on the behaviour and transmission of Gyrodactylus
Brooker, Grano, Irving Stephen, Bron, Longshaw Matthew, Shinn