The impact of the expansion of urban vegetable farming on malaria transmission in major cities of Benin
N'Guessan Raphael, Allagbé Hyacinthe, Asidi Alex, Boko Michel, Osse Razack, Padonou Gil, Kindé Gazard, Akogbéto, Akogbeto Martin, Yadouleton Anges
Cotton pest management practices and the selection of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiaepopulation in Northern Benin
Yadouleton Anges, Martin Thibaud, Padonou Gil, Chandre Fabrice, Asidi Alex, Dabiré Roch, Aïkpon Rock, Boko Michel, Glitho Isabelle, Akogbeto Martin, Djogbénou Luc
Cotton pest management practices and the selection of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiaepopulation in Northern Benin
Yadouleton Anges, Martin Thibaud, Padonou Gil, Chandre Fabrice, Asidi Alex, Dabiré Roch, Aïkpon Rock, Boko Michel, Glitho Isabelle, Akogbeto Martin, Djogbénou Luc
11 pages