Dietary weight loss and exercise interventions effects on quality of life in overweight/obese postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial
Imayama Ikuyo, Alfano, Kong Angela, Foster-Schubert, Xiao Liren, Duggan Catherine, Wang Ching-Yun, Blackburn, Mctiernan Anne, Campbell, Bain
Dietary weight loss and exercise interventions effects on quality of life in overweight/obese postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial
Imayama Ikuyo, Alfano, Kong Angela, Foster-Schubert, Xiao Liren, Duggan Catherine, Wang Ching-Yun, Blackburn, Mctiernan Anne, Campbell, Bain
12 pages
Enhanced balance associated with coordination training with stochastic resonance stimulation in subjects with functional ankle instability: an experimental trial
Ross, Blackburn, Brown, Guskiewicz, Arnold
Access to health care for Roma children in Central and Eastern Europe: findings from a qualitative study in Bulgaria
Rechel Boika, Blackburn, Spencer, Rechel, Rechel Bernd
Contribution of genetic variation within SuprMam1 and SuprMam2 to breast cancer susceptibility
Ratnadiwakara M, Rooke M, Williams R, Blackburn, Blackburn Ac
Rapid telomere motions in live human cells analyzed by highly time-resolved microscopy
Wang Xueying, Kam Zvi, Carlton, Xu Lifeng, Sedat, Blackburn
DNA damage in preserved specimens and tissue samples: a molecular assessment
Zimmermann Juergen, Hajibabaei Mehrdad, Blackburn, Hanken James, Cantin Elizabeth, Posfai Janos, Evans
No evidence of XMRV in prostate cancer cohorts in the Midwestern United States
Sakuma Toshie, Hué Stéphane, Squillace, Tonne, Blackburn, Ohmine Seiga, Thatava Tayaramma, Towers, Ikeda Yasuhiro, Ikeda
A series of N-terminal epitope tagged Hdh knock-in alleles expressing normal and mutant huntingtin: their application to understanding the effect of increasing the length of normal huntingtin’s polyglutamine stretch on CAG140 mouse model pathogenesis
Zheng Shuqiu, Ghitani Nima, Blackburn, Liu Jeh-Ping, Zeitlin
A series of N-terminal epitope tagged Hdh knock-in alleles expressing normal and mutant huntingtin: their application to understanding the effect of increasing the length of normal huntingtin’s polyglutamine stretch on CAG140 mouse model pathogenesis
Zheng Shuqiu, Ghitani Nima, Blackburn, Liu Jeh-Ping, Zeitlin
19 pages
Spatial and temporal structure of typhoid outbreaks in Washington, D.C., 1906–1909: evaluating local clustering with the Gi* statistic
Hinman, Blackburn, Curtis Andrew, Curtis