Tracking dynamics of plant biomass composting by changes in substrate structure, microbial community, and enzyme activity
Wei Hui, Tucker, Harris Michelle, Luo Yonghua, Xu Qi, Himmel, Ding, Ding Shi-You, Baker
Detection of prions in the faeces of sheep naturally infected with classical scrapie
Howells Laurence, Bishop Keith, Everest Sally, Thorne Leigh, Maddison, Gough, Terry, Baker
A versatile toolkit for high throughput functional genomics with Trichoderma reesei
Schuster André, Collett, Seiboth Bernhard, Kubicek, Schmoll, Schmoll Monika, Baker, Bruno
A measure for quantifying the impact of housing quality on respiratory health: a cross-sectional study
Keall, Crane Julian, Wickens Kristin, Howden-Chapman Philippa, Cunningham, Cunningham Malcolm, Baker
Maternal celiac disease autoantibodies bind directly to syncytiotrophoblast and inhibit placental tissue transglutaminase activity
Anjum Naheed, Aplin, Robinson, Baker
Fingolimod modulates microglial activation to augment markers of remyelination
Giovannoni Gavin, Baker David, Jackson, Baker
Altered amygdala activation during face processing in Iraqi and Afghanistani war veterans
Simmons, Strigo, Donovan, Motezadi Arame, Stein, Baker, Paulus, Matthews
Gadolinium decreases inflammation related to myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury
Strande, Routhu, Hsu Anna, Nicolosi, Baker
The revised Bethesda guidelines: extent of utilization in a university hospital medical center with a cancer genetics program
Mukherjee Aparna, Mcgarrity, Ruggiero Francesca, Koltun Walter, Mckenna Kevin, Poritz Lisa, Baker
Pancreatic islet expression profiling in diabetes-prone C57BLKS/J mice reveals transcriptional differences contributed by DBA loci, including Plagl1and Nnt
Helmering Joan, Juan Todd, Li Chi-Ming, Mccormick Jocelyn, Graham Melissa, Damore, Véniant, Lloyd, Anderson, Baker
Pancreatic islet expression profiling in diabetes-prone C57BLKS/J mice reveals transcriptional differences contributed by DBA loci, including Plagl1and Nnt
Helmering Joan, Juan Todd, Li Chi-Ming, Mccormick Jocelyn, Graham Melissa, Damore, Véniant, Lloyd, Anderson, Baker
17 pages
Assessment of NER solutions against the first and second CALBC Silver Standard Corpus
Chen Li, Rebholz-Schuhmann Dietrich, Yepes Antonio, Kafkas Senay, Lewin Ian, Kang Ning, Corbett Peter, Milward David, Buyko Ekaterina, Beisswanger Elena, Hornbostel Kerstin, Kouznetsov Alexandre, Witte René, Laurila, Kuo Cheng-Ju, Clematide Simone, Farkas Richárd, Móra György, Hara Kazuo, Furlong, Rautschka Michael, Neves Mariana, Pascual-Montano Alberto, Wei Qi, Collier Nigel, Chowdhury Md, Lavelli Alberto, Berlanga Rafael, Morante Roser, Van, Daelemans Walter, Marina José, Kors Jan, Hahn Udo, Fabio Rinaldi, Baker, Van
Assessment of NER solutions against the first and second CALBC Silver Standard Corpus
Chen Li, Rebholz-Schuhmann Dietrich, Yepes Antonio, Kafkas Senay, Lewin Ian, Kang Ning, Corbett Peter, Milward David, Buyko Ekaterina, Beisswanger Elena, Hornbostel Kerstin, Kouznetsov Alexandre, Witte René, Laurila, Kuo Cheng-Ju, Clematide Simone, Farkas Richárd, Móra György, Hara Kazuo, Furlong, Rautschka Michael, Neves Mariana, Pascual-Montano Alberto, Wei Qi, Collier Nigel, Chowdhury Md, Lavelli Alberto, Berlanga Rafael, Morante Roser, Van, Daelemans Walter, Marina José, Kors Jan, Hahn Udo, Fabio Rinaldi, Baker, Van
12 pages
Prehospital resuscitation with hypertonic saline-dextran modulates inflammatory, coagulation and endothelial activation marker profiles in severe traumatic brain injured patients
Rhind, Crnko, Morrison, Shek, Scarpelini Sandro, Rizoli, Baker
A Facile Nanoparticle Immunoassay for Cancer Biomarker Discovery
Huo Qun, Colon Jimmie, Cordero Adam, Bogdanovic Jelena, Goodison Steven, Pensky, Baker
The use of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for the taxonomic assignment of Picorna-like viruses (order Picornavirales) infecting Apis melliferaL. populations
Baker, Schroeder
Free fatty acids induce ER stress and block antiviral activity of interferon alpha against hepatitis C virus in cell culture
Gunduz Feyza, Aboulnasr, Hazari Sidhartha, Poat Bret, Dash Srikanta, Baker, Dash, Chandra, Balart
Assessing the health and development of ART-conceived young adults: A study of feasibility, parent recall, and acceptability
Hammarberg Karin, Mcbain, Baker, Fisher
Reduction in host-finding behaviour in fungus-infected mosquitoes is correlated with reduction in olfactory receptor neuron responsiveness
George Justin, Blanford Simon, Domingue, Read, Thomas, Baker
Response of tibialis anterior tendon to a chronic exposure of stretch-shortening cycles: age effects
Ensey, Hollander, Kashon, Cutlip, Wu, Baker
Performance of AAV8 vectors expressing human factor IX from a hepatic-selective promoter following intravenous injection into rats
Graham Tracey, Work, Mcintosh Jenny, Nathwani Amit, Baker
Gene-based outcome prediction in multiple cohorts of pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a Children's Oncology Group study
Cleaver, Beesley, Firth, Sturges, O'Leary, Hunger, Kees, Baker
The effects of a formal exercise training programme on salivary hormone concentrations and body composition in previously sedentary aging men
Hayes, Sculthorpe Nick, Herbert Peter, Ratcliffe, Kilduff, Baker, Grace
Evidence for Vpr-dependent HIV-1 Replication in Human CD4+ CEM.NKR T-Cells
Dang Ying, Zhou Jiajun, Tao Zhou, Zheng Yong-Hui, Baker, Zheng
ALDH isozymes downregulation affects cell growth, cell motility and gene expression in lung cancer cells
Moreb, Chang Lung-Ji, Ostmark Blanca, Chou Wayne, Lopez, Chou, Amaya María, Baker
Injuries associated with housing conditions in Europe: a burden of disease study based on 2004 injury data
Keall, Ormandy David, Baker
Nerve injury induces robust allodynia and ectopic discharges in Nav1.3 null mutant mice
Nassar, Levato Alessandra, Ingram Rachel, Mallucci Giovanna, Mcmahon, Wood, Baker
Cellulose crystallinity index: measurement techniques and their impact on interpreting cellulase performance
Park Sunkyu, Himmel, Johnson, Parilla, Baker