The Self-Perception and Relationships Tool (S-PRT): A novel approach to the measurement of subjective health-related quality of life
Wishart, Wasil, Robinson, Atkinson
Alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and gene therapies decrease autoimmunity and delay arthritis development in mouse model
Grimstein Christian, Choi Young-Kook, Wasserfall, Satoh Minoru, Brantly, Campbell-Thompson Martha, Song Sihong, Song, Atkinson
Spatial modelling of healthcare utilisation for treatment of fever in Namibia
Alegana, Pentrina Uusiku, Wright, Snow, Atkinson, Noor
Validation of an abbreviated Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM-9) among patients on antihypertensive medications
Bharmal Murtuza, Payne Krista, Desrosiers Marie-Pierre, Morisky, Gemmen, Gemmen Eric, Atkinson
Exploring provider and community responses to the new malaria diagnostic and treatment regime in Solomon Islands
Wijesinghe, Bobogare Albino, Wini Lyndes, Whittaker, Whittaker Maxine, Atkinson
Community participation for malaria elimination in Tafea Province, Vanuatu: Part I. Maintaining motivation for prevention practices in the context of disappearing disease
Fitzgerald Lisa, Toaliu Hilson, Taleo George, Tynan Anna, Whittaker Maxine, Riley Ian, Vallely, Vallely Andrew, Atkinson
Community participation for malaria elimination in Tafea Province, Vanuatu: Part I. Maintaining motivation for prevention practices in the context of disappearing disease
Fitzgerald Lisa, Toaliu Hilson, Taleo George, Tynan Anna, Whittaker Maxine, Riley Ian, Vallely, Vallely Andrew, Atkinson
16 pages
Analysis of the trap gene provides evidence for the role of elevation and vector abundance in the genetic diversity of Plasmodium relictum in Hawaii
Farias, Lapointe, Jarvi, Atkinson
No systemic reactions to influenza vaccination in egg-sensitized tertiary-care pediatric patients
Upton Julia, Hummel David, Kasprzak Anna, Atkinson Adelle, Atkinson
Patient experiences with oily skin: The qualitative development of content for two new patient reported outcome questionnaires
Arbuckle Robert, Clark Marci, Abetz Linda, Lohs Jan, Kuhagen Ilka, Harness Jane, Draelos Zoe, Thiboutot Diane, Blume-Peytavi Ulrike, Copley-Merriman Kati, Atkinson
Patient experiences with oily skin: The qualitative development of content for two new patient reported outcome questionnaires
Arbuckle Robert, Clark Marci, Abetz Linda, Lohs Jan, Kuhagen Ilka, Harness Jane, Draelos Zoe, Thiboutot Diane, Blume-Peytavi Ulrike, Copley-Merriman Kati, Atkinson
15 pages
Radiation resistance due to high expression of miR-21 and G2/M checkpoint arrest in breast cancer cells
Anastasov Nataša, Höfig Ines, Vasconcellos, Rappl Kristina, Braselmann Herbert, Ludyga Natalie, Auer Gert, Aubele Michaela, Atkinson
Strong purifying selection in endogenous retroviruses in the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) in the Northern Territory of Australia
Chong, Isberg Sally, Gongora, Gongora Jaime, Atkinson
Characterization of a naturally-occurring p27 mutation predisposing to multiple endocrine tumors
Molatore Sara, Kiermaier Eva, Jung, Lee Misu, Pulz Elke, Höfler Heinz, Pellegata, Atkinson
A new measure of patient satisfaction with ocular hypotensive medications: The Treatment Satisfaction Survey for Intraocular Pressure (TSS-IOP)
Fain, Dhawan Ravinder, Mozaffari Essy, Lohs, Lohs Jan, Stewart, Atkinson
A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments
Lohs Jan, Kuhagen Ilka, Kaufman Julie, Bhaidani, Bhaidani Shamsu, Atkinson
A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments
Lohs Jan, Kuhagen Ilka, Kaufman Julie, Bhaidani, Bhaidani Shamsu, Atkinson
14 pages
Genetic characterization of Hawaiian isolates of Plasmodium relictumreveals mixed-genotype infections
Farias, Jarvi, Atkinson
Validation of a general measure of treatment satisfaction, the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM), using a national panel study of chronic disease
Sinha Anusha, Hass, Colman, Brod Meryl, Rowland, Kumar, Atkinson
Elucidating the spatially varying relation between cervical cancer and socio-economic conditions in England
Shahani, Cheng, Atkinson
Estimadores robustos: una solución en la utilización de valores atípicos para el control de la calidad posicional. (Robust estimators: a solution for using outliers in positional accuracy assessment)