Early tracheostomy in intensive care trauma patients improves resource utilization: a cohort study and literature review
Arabi Yaseen, Haddad Samir, Shirawi Nehad, Al
Assessment of six mortality prediction models in patients admitted with severe sepsis and septic shock to the intensive care unit: a prospective cohort study
Arabi Yaseen, Shirawi, Memish Ziad, Venkatesh Srinivas, Al-Shimemeri, Al-Shimemeri Abdullah
External validation of a modified model of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II for orthotopic liver transplant patients
Arabi Yaseen, Abbasi Adnan, Goraj Radoslaw, Al-Abdulkareem Abdulmajeed, Shimemeri, Kalayoglu Munci, Wood Kenneth, Wood
External validation of a modified model of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II for orthotopic liver transplant patients
Arabi Yaseen, Abbasi Adnan, Goraj Radoslaw, Al-Abdulkareem Abdulmajeed, Shimemeri, Kalayoglu Munci, Wood Kenneth, Wood
6 pages
Assessment of performance of four mortality prediction systems in a Saudi Arabian intensive care unit
Arabi Yaseen, Haddad Samir, Goraj Radoslaw, Al-Shimemeri Abdullah, Al-Malik, Al-Malik Salim
Co-enrollment of critically ill patients into multiple studies: patterns, predictors and consequences
John Marshall, Cook Deborah, Mcdonald Ellen, Smith Orla, Zytaruk Nicole, Heels-Ansdell Diane, Watpool Irene, Mcardle Tracy, Matte Andrea, Clarke France, Vallance Shirley, Finfer Simon, Galt Pauline, Crozier Tim, Fowler Rob, Arabi Yaseen, Woolfe Clive, Orford Neil, Hall Richard, Adhikari, Ferland Marie-Clauide, Meade Maureen, The, Protect Investigators, Canadian
Co-enrollment of critically ill patients into multiple studies: patterns, predictors and consequences
John Marshall, Cook Deborah, Mcdonald Ellen, Smith Orla, Zytaruk Nicole, Heels-Ansdell Diane, Watpool Irene, Mcardle Tracy, Matte Andrea, Clarke France, Vallance Shirley, Finfer Simon, Galt Pauline, Crozier Tim, Fowler Rob, Arabi Yaseen, Woolfe Clive, Orford Neil, Hall Richard, Adhikari, Ferland Marie-Clauide, Meade Maureen, The, Protect Investigators, Canadian
11 pages