"In vitro" activities of antimycobacterial agents against Mycobacterium aviumsubsp. paratuberculosislinked to Crohn's Disease and Paratuberculosis
Zanetti Stefania, Molicotti Paola, Cannas Sara, Ortu Silvia, Ahmed Niyaz, Sechi
Molecular epidemiology of clinical and carrier strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) in the hospital settings of north India
Thoker, Rizwan Mohammed, Bhat, Ahmed Niyaz, Ahmad Shamim, Khan, Ahmad, Aliasif, Dar
High-resolution genotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosastrains linked to acute post cataract surgery endophthalmitis outbreaks in India
Sharma, Kenchappa Prashanth, Sangwan, Ahmed Niyaz, Rao, Pathengay Avinash, Mathai Annie, Mansoori Tarannum, Das Taraprasad, Hasnain, Sharma Savitri
High-resolution genotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosastrains linked to acute post cataract surgery endophthalmitis outbreaks in India
Sharma, Kenchappa Prashanth, Sangwan, Ahmed Niyaz, Rao, Pathengay Avinash, Mathai Annie, Mansoori Tarannum, Das Taraprasad, Hasnain, Sharma Savitri
8 pages
Mycobacterium aviumsubspecies paratuberculosisis not associated with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
Rosu Valentina, Ahmed Niyaz, Paccagnini Daniela, Pacifico Adolfo, Zanetti Stefania, Sechi
Antimicrobial activities of Eugenol and Cinnamaldehyde against the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori
Ali Shaik, Ahmed Irshad, Musaddiq M, Polasa H, Rao, Habibullah, Sechi, Ahmed Niyaz, Khan, Ahmed
Multilocus sequence typing method for identification and genotypic classification of pathogenic Leptospiraspecies
Ahmed Niyaz, Devi, Vijayachari P, Machang'U, Hartskeerl, De, Ellis
Genome sequencing and analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi strain CR0063 representing a carrier individual during an outbreak of typhoid fever in Kelantan, Malaysia
Baddam Ramani, Kumar Narender, Shaik Sabiha, Suma Tiruvayipati, Ngoi Soo, Thong Kwai-Lin, Ahmed, Ahmed Niyaz
Genome sequencing and analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi strain CR0063 representing a carrier individual during an outbreak of typhoid fever in Kelantan, Malaysia
Baddam Ramani, Kumar Narender, Shaik Sabiha, Suma Tiruvayipati, Ngoi Soo, Thong Kwai-Lin, Ahmed, Ahmed Niyaz
6 pages