Geographical mapping of a multifocal thyroid tumour using genetic alteration analysis & miRNA profiling
Flavin, Aherne, Smyth, Denning, Guenther, O'Leary, Sheils, Russell, Li Jing
Gene expression changes as markers of early lapatinib response in a panel of breast cancer cell lines
O’Neill Fiona, Madden, Aherne, Clynes Martin, Crown John, Doolan Padraig, O’Connor, O’Connor Robert
Regulation of microRNA biosynthesis and expression in 2102Ep embryonal carcinoma stem cells is mirrored in ovarian serous adenocarcinoma patients
Gallagher, Elbaruni, Mcinerney, Smyth, Salley, Vencken, O'Toole, Laios Alexandros, Denning Karen, Li Jinghuan, Aherne, Lao, Sheils, O'Leary, Lee, Martin, Flavin
Regulation of microRNA biosynthesis and expression in 2102Ep embryonal carcinoma stem cells is mirrored in ovarian serous adenocarcinoma patients
Gallagher, Elbaruni, Mcinerney, Smyth, Salley, Vencken, O'Toole, Laios Alexandros, Denning Karen, Li Jinghuan, Aherne, Lao, Sheils, O'Leary, Lee, Martin, Flavin
16 pages