Topography as a modifier of breeding habitats and concurrent vulnerability to malaria risk in the western Kenya highlands
Atieli, Zhou Guofa, Lee Ming-Chieh, Kweka, Afrane Yaw, Mwanzo Isaac, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Yan
Effects of co-habitation between Anopheles gambiaes.s. and Culex quinquefasciatusaquatic stages on life history traits
Kweka, Zhou Goufa, Beilhe, Dixit Amruta, Afrane Yaw, Munga Stephen, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Gilbreath, Nyindo Mramba, Yan
Variation in exposure to Anopheles gambiae salivary gland peptide (gSG6-P1) across different malaria transmission settings in the western Kenya highlands
Badu Kingsley, Siangla Joram, Larbi John, Afrane Yaw, Ong’Echa John, Remoue Franck, Zhou Guofa, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Lawson, Yan
Variation in exposure to Anopheles gambiae salivary gland peptide (gSG6-P1) across different malaria transmission settings in the western Kenya highlands
Badu Kingsley, Siangla Joram, Larbi John, Afrane Yaw, Ong’Echa John, Remoue Franck, Zhou Guofa, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Lawson, Yan
9 pages
Habitat stability and occurrences of malaria vector larvae in western Kenya highlands
Himeidan, Zhou Guofa, Yakob Laith, Afrane Yaw, Munga Stephen, Atieli Harrysone, El-Rayah El-Amin, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Yan
Predation efficiency of Anopheles gambiaelarvae by aquatic predators in western Kenya highlands
Kweka, Zhou Guofa, Gilbreath, Afrane Yaw, Nyindo Mramba, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Yan
Insecticide-treated net (ITN) ownership, usage, and malaria transmission in the highlands of western Kenya
Atieli, Zhou Guofa, Afrane Yaw, Lee Ming-Chieh, Mwanzo Isaac, Githeko, Yan Guiyun, Yan