Ng Chin-Keong, The Chinese in Riau, A Community on an unstable and restrictive frontier ; n°1 ; vol.17, pg 185-186
Claudine Salmon
Lim Chooi Hwa (Lin Shuihao), Ho Khai Leong (He Qiliang), Hou Kok Chung (He Guozhong), Lai Kuan Fook (Lai Guanfu) (eds.), Malaixiya huarenshi xinbian Nouvelle édition de l'histoire des Chinois de Malaysia ; n°1 ; vol.61, pg 204-205
Claudine Salmon
Onghokham Dari Soal Priyayi sampai Nyi Blorong. Refleksi Historis Nusantara. Wahyu yang Hilang Negeri yang Guncang. Introduction de Goenawan Mohamad. The Thugs, the Curtain Thief, and the Sugar Lord. Power, Politics, and Culture in Colonial Java. Introduction de H. Sutherland. ; n°1 ; vol.67, pg 227-229
Daniel Perret
Onghokham Dari Soal Priyayi sampai Nyi Blorong. Refleksi Historis Nusantara. Wahyu yang Hilang Negeri yang Guncang. Introduction de Goenawan Mohamad. The Thugs, the Curtain Thief, and the Sugar Lord. Power, Politics, and Culture in Colonial Java. Introduction de H. Sutherland. ; n°1 ; vol.67, pg 227-229
Daniel Perret
4 pages
Lu Hu, Yinni huaren ziben de lishi fazhan/Historical Development of Chinese Capital in Indonesia ; n°1 ; vol.62, pg 214-217
Claudine Salmon
William Warren et al. (ed.), Proceedings. Seventh IAHA Conference Bangkok 22-26 August 1977 ; n°1 ; vol.22, pg 211-213
Jacques Nepote
Controversial translation - Harry Aveling, From Surabaya to Armageddon: Indonesian Short Stories ; n°1 ; vol.16, pg 227-229
Nigel Phillips
Ingrid Wessel & Georgia Wimhöfer, Violence in Indonesia ; Freek Colombijn & J. Thomas Lindblad, Roots of Violence in Indonesia ; Fauzan Al-Anshari, Saya Teroris? (Sebuah «Pleidoi»). E.S. Soepriyadi, Ngruki & Jaringan Terorisme. Melacak jejak Abu Bakar Ba 'asyir dan jaringannya dari Ngruki sampai bom Bali. Alip Purnomo, FPI Disalahpahami ; n°1 ; vol.67, pg 236-246
François Raillon
Ingrid Wessel & Georgia Wimhöfer, Violence in Indonesia ; Freek Colombijn & J. Thomas Lindblad, Roots of Violence in Indonesia ; Fauzan Al-Anshari, Saya Teroris? (Sebuah «Pleidoi»). E.S. Soepriyadi, Ngruki & Jaringan Terorisme. Melacak jejak Abu Bakar Ba 'asyir dan jaringannya dari Ngruki sampai bom Bali. Alip Purnomo, FPI Disalahpahami ; n°1 ; vol.67, pg 236-246
François Raillon
12 pages
The China Society Singapore 1949-1979. A 30th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of the China Scciety ; n°1 ; vol.21, pg 216-217
Claudine Salmon
Campbell C. Macknight, The Farthest Coast : A Selection of Writings to the History of the Northern Coast of Australia ; n°1 ; vol.23, pg 205-206
Ganriel Rantoandro
Russell Jones, Hikayat Sultan Ibrahim. The short version of the Malay text Russell Jones, Hikayat Sultan Ibrahim ibn Adham. An edition of an anonymous Malay text with translation and notes ; n°1 ; vol.33, pg 203-206
Henri Chambert-Loir
Vicente L. Rafael, ed., Figures of criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines and colonial Vietnam ; n°1 ; vol.63, pg 233-237
François Raillon
Social anthropology, a 'discipline' of theories and hear-say ? (à propos of Geertz on Bali) ; n°1 ; vol.11, pg 237-243
C. Hooykaas
Peter Kirsch, Die Reise nach Batavia, Deutsche Abenteurer in Ostasien, 1609 bis 1695 (Le voyage de Batavia, ou l'histoire des aventuriers allemands en Asie orientale, de 1609 à 1695) ; n°1 ; vol.51, pg 199-200
Denys Lombard
Douglas E. Ramage, Politics in Indonesia : Democracy, Islam and the ideology of tolerance ; n°1 ; vol.55, pg 224-225
François Raillon
Ding Choo Ming, Bibliografi Sastera Kreatif Melayu, Jilid I: Brunei, Malaysia & Singapura, 1920-1980 ; n°1 ; vol.23, pg 229-230
Denys Lombard
Agnes Kwenang (Dr.) & Ang Heang Tek (Ir.) éds., In Memorial Ang Ban Tjiong 1910-1938, Buku Pantun Melayu-Makassar ; n°1 ; vol.68, pg 352-354
Yerry Wirawan